Thursday, November 19, 2015

And Another New Computer

Back on the 12th, I posted about junking my old HP Pavilion laptop and buying a new one.  Well, that new one wouldn't take a charge.  I plugged it in but a warning came up that said "plugged in, not charging".  So, I took it back to the store and they said they took the charge off my American Express card.  Well, I bought another one, this one is an ASUS.  They kept it for twenty-four hours to set it up and make sure it would charge up.  I picked it up today and headed home.

On the way home, an unusual looking warning light came on and my Jeep started running rough.  It smoothed out, but on the way home we stopped at an auto repair shop and left it there.  They brought us home along with the stuff that we had in the Jeep.  There must be something jammed up in the Jeep's cooling system because it was bubbling out the reservoir and running down the pavement.  Then, of course, it started running hot.

Well, at least I am sitting here writing this blog on my brand new computer.  And to top off the benefits, this computer was triple digits cheaper than the HP and it has the same 17.25" screen and all the whistles and bells.  I think that it will be just perfect for me.  So far, so good.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. No, belts are OK. Maybe the radiator fan? It ran cool while driving open road speeds but as soon as I slowed down, it heated up. It is in the fix-it shop now.


  2. I gave up buying HP years ago after having them fail left and right. Hope this new one does everything you want.

    Hate car troubles hope it isn't anything to bad

  3. I gave up buying HP years ago after having them fail left and right. Hope this new one does everything you want.

    Hate car troubles hope it isn't anything to bad

    1. I am a slow learner, but now I have switched brands.

  4. Hope this one works for you... our HP printer has been a pain in the potooie from day one... our laptops are Dells... but Bill uses Linux (NOT windows) and I use windows. We've sure had our problems... but neither of us are really computer literate so we're never sure if it's us or "them". Whatever... hope you're happy with your new acquirement... keep us informed.

    1. We have had Dells in the past. They make an excellent product. I will let you know after it ages some, how I like it and how well it holds up.

  5. Boy...when it rains, it pours, right? Hope the new one stays good for a while!

    1. So far, so good. I am sure the new laptop does a lot more than I know how to do on it. Still learning.

  6. I have always loved bringing home a new computer, plugging it in, and getting to know everything about how it works. Of course now they are so complex that it's hard to know how they work. Good luck with your new one, and have fun!

    1. I will have fun with it for sure. Of course I probably will never figure out all the whistles and bells.

  7. You have had some bad luck with computers lately. That charging problem sounds familiar. My hubby just bought a wireless sound system that had the same problem - wouldn't take a charge. It was returned. Snow expected here this weekend. Enjoy your weekend and your new computer.

    1. Thank you and I hope you don't get too much snow. It has been a long time since I have seen snow.

  8. I've about decided the "off" brands are better than the names, Dizzy. Both our tvs are Asic or something like that, the laptop is Acer. The wireless HP printer has never worked properly, just about like the HP printer I have at the office.
    Hope your bells and whistles keep on ringin' and dingin' ...

    1. So far they are ringin' and dingin' in tune. Hope it lasts.

  9. I wouldn't have bought an Acer back years ago, but now they're rated in the top. Didn't matter, only one i couldn find with Win7. What i saw of W8, would NOT have had. AND i know 10 is different. I'm still not over this new one having almost all my stuff from the old one...

    1. Maybe I should have bought an Acer instead of this Asus. But this and HP were the only ones with a 17.25" screen that I wanted that I could find.

  10. I gave up on Windows computers in June 2009, bought a Mac and just love it.
    Still works like new.

    1. Have never used a Mac. Back many years ago when I was still doing design engineering work, the Mac wouldn't run the high end engineering drawing programs.

  11. Congratulations on your new computer!

    There is nothing I hate more than mechanical problems but seems like you got that under control. Nice of them to drive you home, usually that only happens in the dealerships.

    1. The dealership, when I go there, gives me a free rental. This was just a small repair shop and didn't have a loaner so he had to take us home and when it was through, he came and got us.
