Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Can Not Post Pictures.

I had some pictures that I wanted to upload and put on my blog but for some reason, I cannot figure out why they will not cooperate.  I have tried different ways and different pictures.  Heck, I have done it before, so why can't I do it now?  I can choose the files and they show up in the upload window but they will not insert in my blog.  I am really POed about it.

I will keep trying but if I don't post a blog, you know I threw my hands in the air and said "forget it"!!  Hope you are having a better day than I am. 


  1. Good luck with the picture stuff, am sure you will get it figured out.

    1. I will try, but it seems the older I get the dumber I become. What a bummer.

  2. Well, at least you have something to write and post pictures of... me? well, life is pretty ho-hum right now... so I depend on you folks for my entertainment these days. Hope you get the problem solved soon.

    1. It seems every time I walk round my driveway, I spot something different and, what I feel worthy, of posting on my blog. I got the pics, but they wouldn't post today.

  3. I often wonder why everything goes along pretty well for a while, and then Google throws a curve. I can't figure it out - do they tinker with the system trying to "improve" it, or is the glitch caused by some by some other reason.

    1. Or maybe it is the Chinese trying to take over the internet. Who knows? I don't.

  4. I can understand your plight. Seems like three months of being away made me lose touch with the new Google crap they introduced in my absence.

    Good luck....

    1. What new Google crap? I guess I didn't hear about it.

  5. Hang in there my friend. It is the computer not you. hehe

    1. Not quite sure of that, but thanks for the vote of confidence.

  6. So much for the new computer working well ....

    1. Yea, right. Not sure if it is the computer or my internet provider.

  7. I was doing fine with getting my pictures off the camera and then no more all I get is a black box and you can see the pictures but I can't get them into my photos they just sit there. going to have to call the guy who did the work. Gets really annoying doesn't it

    1. Yes it does. Back when I was younger, I may have been able to figure it out. Of course, I am not going to give up. Will work on the problem today.
