Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Odd Plants Along My Driveway

I tried to post these pictures yesterday, but for some reason, they would not post.  But guess what, you all ain't getting off that easy, they posted today.  Yep, didn't change a thing, didn't do anything different, just tried again today.  Therefore, I believe it was my internet provider acting up.  OK, I am glad you all waited to see the missing pictures, but it may be a let down for you.

The first thing I noticed were some tiny plants growing on the leaves of other larger plants.  Have any of you seen this before?

Then I got a little bit closer and took another picture.

This next picture shows at least three different kinds of fungi.  The ones from the picture above are in the lower right of this picture.

A few steps further along and this clump of fungi came into view:

And a little closer look at it.  Is that a grape laying on the top of it?

Then around the bend this fuzzy stuff that looked like cotton to me, came into view. 

And then another clump of it.  What do you think this one is?  It reminds me of the fake snow we used to put around our Christmas tree.

Well, that is it for today.  The computer and/or internet is working somewhat better today but am still having problems with blogger.  I
kept trying to get the alignment set to the left edge.  It worked at the beginning of this blog but then it just switched to the centered alignment.  Oh well, I guess it is still readable.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Those fungi and other growths are really weird. Especially the stuff that grows on the leaves. Nature is fascinating, and I'm glad you got the pictures posted.

    1. Yes I agree, Nature is very, very fascinating. It has fascinated me all my life.

  2. I'm beginning to think you live in the Black Lagoon or some other strange place... you don't hear strange noises during the night or see strange auras in the sky, do you? Just wonderin'......

    1. I got a swamp, does that count? I was walking around my swamp one night and must have startled some sleeping Great Blue Herons. There squawking in the dark can really make chills run up and down your spine. I had been hearing them and just passed it off as my resident "swamp monster". By the way, I saw the movie "Creature from the Black Lagoon" when I was a boy and it scarred me for awhile. I could just see it busting through my bedroom wall. . . It never did.

  3. Those are some very interesting pictures. Yesterday was my day to have computer problems. Somehow Some malware downloaded itself onto my computer and locked up my computer. So, as I have an Apple computer, I called Customer service and after almost three hours on the phone and delving into dark hidden places on my computer it looks like they were able to remove the malware. No charge even tho my computer is out of warranty. Love Apple!!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    1. I have heard other good reports on Apple. Trouble was, way back when I was working, my high end engineering programs and drafting programs would not run on Apple. So, I didn't have a choice.

  4. ooo DD,,, where are pics of the swamp??? lmao, dont you know i love that swamp of yours too, monster or not.
    Never saw things like those growing on that other plant.

    1. OK, OK, sorry, I keep forgetting to go get some new pictures. Keep reminding me, in case I forget.
