Thursday, November 26, 2015

Some Last Words.

There has been a lot of famous and infamous last words recorded for prosperity.  But what about all those other times and other creatures.  You know, like the old joke, what is the last thing that went through the bugs mind when he hit the windshield of a car going down the road at 55 or 60 mph?  It would be his ass rear end.

But what about slightly higher intelligent creatures like humans?  Well, I ain't sure what will go though other peoples' minds at the end, but I have a good idea what will be going through mine.  My wonderful mother would tell me to always have on a clean, white pair of undies when leaving the house.  She did not want any child of hers to get killed and have on dirty undies!!  But Mom, don't you think that those clean undies would get dirty real fast when there is a speeding car coming straight at me in my lane??  But, Mother is always right and I can still hear her telling me that.  I don't and didn't always listen, but when I didn't and got home safely, I gave a huge sigh of relief.  I am sure that was one way she expressed her love and concern for me.  If I ever have to leave the house without a fresh pair of undies on, I get real nervous and am extra cautious.  Now, let me know what all your moms told you when you were leaving the house.


  1. Back then, it seems all moms were about the same. I wonder what the younger generation's mothers tell them.

  2. All Moms cautioned about not wearing clean undies when you went out. Mine also told us all to wear our sweater or jacket, because "this is pneumonia weather!"

  3. Mine said the same about underwear... but she also told me to never use safety pins to hold my bra straps together. So... when I was 15 I was in an accident... ended up in the hospital for a concussion (got thrown from a horse)... anyway... when I became "cognizant" again I heard myself telling everyone that I hoped I had on clean underwear and no pins holding it all together. (Say... does anyone use safety pins anymore to hold their clothes together?) The guy who was taking me to the hospital was laughing his... you know what... off listening to me babble on.

    1. Amazing to hear you were worried about your underwear at the time. Moms have such a powerful influence don't they? I used safety pins too. Thankfully I didn't have an accident.

    2. The Odd Essay, yes you are right. Even if there were only a slight chance of bad weather we had to put on and buckle up our galoshes along with a cap and coat. Yep, the good old days.

    3. Janet, yes moms did, but it was because they loved us.

  4. Ahh yes . . . the undie thing. I had forgotten, though I still try to dress up a little when I leave the house for town.

    1. Did I bring back some memories? Glad I was not along in the "undie thing".

  5. Dizzy... I love you for all the things you make me think about... (and of course, I've met you and Dusty so I love you both even more)... but I get such a kick out of your posts. I know I'm gonna be kinda hit and miss for a few weeks until sometime in December... BUT... I'll catch up. So... If I don't post or comment... I'll be back. Yeah... I'm like a bad penny ;-) (I'll work on wearing clean underwear without safety pins until then)

    1. You and Bill enjoy yourselves and you know I appreciate hearing from you when you can.

  6. Oh yes clean good underwear and never any pins.

    1. Not surprisingly, I never heard the one about the pins.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving. You know my mother told me the same thing about the clean underwear. My be something from that time period. Anyway. Have a great weekend.

    1. You may be right about the time period. At least I am not alone on this.
