Friday, November 27, 2015

Hard To See.

Dang, I got up this morning and told my wife that I could hardly see anything.  Just as she was getting that worried look on her face, I explained that it was Black Friday and when things are so dark that it is black, I just can't see anything.  I am not sure that she appreciates my sense of humor.  Oh well, it is Black Friday so some dark humor is acceptable.  Right??

It is pretty sad when retailers have to create a special day to stimulate shopping.  So far, they have not been able to get me out of my rocker.  In fact, I prefer to do my shopping during weekdays and at times when most people are at work or at home.  Yes, I love people but I hate crowds.  Maybe that is why I placed my home on my property where I can't see the road nor can I see any of the close neighborhood homes.

By the way, I need to let troublentexas know that I haven't walked around the swamp lately, so no new pictures.  Maybe I can get up off my rear and go do that today. . . and maybe I can put it off.  Time will tell.  She also said that a cold, wet front just reached her area and that she was sending over my way.  (No, she didn't say she was sending it my way, but it may get here, anyway.)  Hey, Trouble, keep warm and dry.

OK, I hope all of you can manage to survive this Black Friday and if you really have to go out shopping, please be careful and take care of yourselves.  Anyway, try to have a great day, you hear?


  1. There is no way I would shop on a day that was created to instigate huge crowds and jostling for bargains. Some people go overboard in their enthusiasm to get a good deal, and a few get injured in the melee. I can understand retailers wanting a good shopping season so they can increase their profits, but I think they go beyond reason in pushing crap on the American public. That's what a lot of it is - just plain crap, much of which they couldn't sell unless they told people there was a giant savings. I guess I'm getting old and no fun at all!

    1. I don't mind a good deal, but I would rather pay full price than put up with extra heavy crowds of shoppers.

  2. Same as you I like people but hate crowds.
    I did go to Walmart today in Benson Az needed a few groceries and was really surprised, no big sales no crowds just a normal shopping day.
    But yesterday they had the store set up for the BIG sale at 6 pm. Wow pallets loaded in the isles, areas roped off and people were checking out articles waiting for 6 pm. I was there at 2:30. so no crowds yet.
    Love small towns...

    1. The first time that I went to Walmart in the middle of the night, way after midnight, I was surprised to see how busy it still was. I guess the economy is doing just fine.

  3. We stayed home today... it's 43 degrees... we've got over 4" of rain so far... it may be Black Friday, but here it's just a dismal, cold, overcast day. Maybe something interesting is growing in your swamp... but if it were here, the chickens would probably grab it up for a snack before I got a chance to see it ;-)

    1. My daughter-in-law is raising chickens. She also raises quail, rabbits, etc. They have quit a farm going on the back of my property.

  4. We are north of Gainesville/Muenster, Texas on the Red River and for the next two hours it is raining ice. North Texas has been inundated with rain and cars have been swept off the roads around the metroplex. We are staying put . . . I avoid Walmart as much as I can and prefer small businesses around the area and order online and get some pretty good deals.

    1. We did not get any heavy rains here at my place, today. I live just east of Cut n Shoot, TX. About 30 or 30 miles north of Houston

  5. Had a great day with the kids and grandkids. No shopping at all.

    I'm not even sure where I'm going to be come Christmas.

  6. Sure will appreciate the swamp pics dd. That front hit and in minutes, the temp dropped about 40*. 37* now, rained most of the nite, and more coming,.... Wasnt joking about that front,,, hahahaha
