Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Pretty Vine

When I see vines starting to grow up the side of my house, I usually pull them out and off the house.  Somehow, this one got past me and my pruning/weeding efforts.  I am glad it did because in appreciation it turned a beautiful red to help brighten up my life. . . and it worked.  Here, see for yourselves:

Yes, I know it is only a common five-leaf ivy, but it is still pretty, don't you think?  The picture isn't very bright because it was very gloomy and cloudy and raining when I took that picture this morning.

Speaking of the weather, it is not suppose to be nice for a week or so.  I guess we can stand that, since we are usually blessed with bright and sunny days most of the time.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Virginia Creeper... grows in Ohio, too. We're like you, though... pull it off because those little sucker-like things that make it stick to the side of your house get into the crevices etc and cause problems. But also like you, I think it's beautiful in the fall when the leaves turn red. It also has purple berries that the birds like during the winter months, so I guess it isn't all bad.

    1. My place has that Hardi Plank siding which is really hard, but that vine somehow could get a grip on it.

  2. Does look pretty, but think maybe you should take it down at some point before it engulfs your house.

    1. Yes, I guess so. I have pulled it down before but it was on a different side of the house.

  3. "a common five-leaf ivy".

    Here that 'red' vine is VERY poisonous some. I learned the hard way by pulling it up with bare hands. Be cautious.

    1. Dizzy, sure wish you would show us some of your and wife's art endeavors. OFM has whet my appetite today.

    2. OK, I will do that. I will go back through my old blog postings and see if I can find any and then post them on my blog tomorrow.

  4. It's good to find unexpected beauty in the world around us.

    1. There is a lot of beauty in this world, you just have to look for it.
