Sunday, November 29, 2015

As Requested by byGeorge

(I am adding this to tell you that the bottom half of this blog froze up on me and I can't insert any text or move/resize any pictures.  Anyway, you will get the idea of what I am trying to show.)

I got a request for some of my wife's and my artwork from another blogger who follows my blog:
byGeorge at:

I will start with a few of my paintings.  They were all done awhile ago.  Guess I will have to try it again. . . or maybe not.

Here is one of mine that I like.  I have seen these in the past when I lived in Pennsylvania:

The above are just a few that I posted previously on my blog.

Next are pictures of my wife's endeavors.  She has done a lot of different types of projects from weaving, to crocheting, to drawings, to all sorts of things.  She is always making something.

The next picture, for some unknown reason to me, will not let me insert it at a size setting.  So it is larger than I want, but I did want to include it with her art.  She has done so much, this is just a sample.


  1. Really beautiful work, so talented you both are. I still can't get my pictures from my camera to computer and have been to busy to call the tech, I will for sure tomorrow.

    1. Now that she has a big loom that sits on the floor, she will be doing some more weaving.

  2. Very Nice! So many talents... not sure which I like best... the rugs... or maybe the drawings of the trees. Well... all of them.

    1. She is good at what she does but says that she isn't. She made some crocheted figures that I wanted to post and she said no.

  3. All of them are very nice thanks for sharing with us.

    1. I had them on past posts, so didn't even have to take a picture. It was easy.

  4. You and your wife are simply amazing! I am so un-artistic it's pathetic, so I really admire those who can paint, draw, crochet, etc.

    1. Thank you, but I believe anyone can make some kind of art. You just have to find what suits you.

  5. You and your wife are two very talented people. Thank for sharing .

    1. Thank you, I guess I better get busy and do another painting or something. My wife is always doing something artsy.

  6. Thank you, Dizzy. I so enjoyed each and every example of your and your wife's talents. Creating something is a great way to be in touch with yourself - your heart and mind. Picasso said: "Everyone is an artist". I believe that strongly. What holds one back from 'doing' is mostly a fear of failure, too often telling oneself 'I can't'. Giving ourselves a negative thought instead of an "I CAN" have held many down from living their dreams.

    1. I agree that every one can produce some form of art, if he or she has the will to do so. Glad you enjoyed some of ours.
