Thursday, November 12, 2015

I'm Back!!!

My computer bit the dust again and this time I let it lie.  You know, what you do with sleeping dogs.  When I went to pull out the plug on the charging cable, the female plug that was suppose to be a permanent part of the computer pulled out along with it.  It wasn't very long ago that I had it repaired.  This time, I tore it apart and for some unknown reason, there was no where to plug or connect the female charging plug into the computer.  There was a about a four inch long wire from the plug's mount on the side of the laptop to the plug where it was supposed to plug into the computer.  There were also little guide slots for the wire to lay in.  So it was easy to see where it had been or should have been but doing so, there was nothing for it to plug into.  I was stumped.

I decided that I had spent enough money and time on repairs and this was the final straw just after an expensive repair not long ago.  Therefore, I decided to get a new one and I found another 17" HP laptop almost identical to the one I had, so there was no hesitation and no more shopping around, it was purchased.  I had them install the operation system, and some other important programs to keep it running. . . hopefully.  I went back today and picked it up and so far so good.  I like it, and although it is the same size and looks the same as my old one, it is much lighter and it seems to be running just great.  Knock on wood.

I also got me a wireless mouse.  I have a lot mouses (or is it mice or mices or??) but this is the first wireless one that I have had and I really like it.  No more of one of my pups getting tangled up in the wire mouse.  This new one takes only one double A battery and time will tell how long it will last.  It also has a very small receiver that plugs into an USB port.  It is so small I hardly know that it is there.

They only had one in the box and one on display.  I guess that they are fazing out these 17 inch laptops.  People, especially the younger crowd seem to prefer smaller more compact laptops.  Hay, I got a tablet if I want small and compact.

OK, that is why I have been absent on blogger, although I doubt if anyone missed me.  But like it or not, I am back (grin).  Now, you all have a great evening, you hear?


  1. Welcome back, Is it true that the quality of your life depends a lot on the quality of the people you associate with ?

    1. That is oh so true. I associate mostly with my wife and my three dogs. But, I think that the quality of my life is high. Living out in the country, I don't get to visit with too many people, so maybe that is why I like to blog, etc.

  2. I thought the tornado, flood , hurricane,drought, wildfire, mosquitoes or alligators might have got ya. But it was just a female plug! Welcome back!

    1. Yep, you got to watch out for those females. . . whoops, I mean female plugs.

  3. My iMac has a wireless mouse and I seem to be forever replacing batteries. I found a tiny switch on the back of it that seems to turn it off and on, so hopefully the battery will last a little longer. I don't use my iMac all that often.

    Of course you are always missed when you don't post.

    1. Yes, that little switch does turn it off and on. When not in use, why use up the battery.

  4. Welcome back.
    No mices for me I adapted to the touch pad and actually like it much better.

    1. The touch pad works well, but sitting here in my rocker/recliner, it is more comfortable to use the wireless mouse on the arm of the chair.

  5. Dizzy, we did miss you! welcome back. I have a wireless mouse and would never go back to the one with the tail - I love my wireless. Anyway glad everything is okay. Have a great weekend.

    1. I am of the old school that says if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I guess that is why I waited until it broke for good.

  6. I was wonderin' where you were... but haven't been around much either, so thought I missed something. I use a wireless mouse... The battery last a long time (months?) but I turn it off when not using it. Bill doesn't use a mouse (uses the keys etc)... drives me nuts when I need to use his laptop for anything.

    1. Everyone should do things the way they can do them best. The reason I don't use my tablet for much is that I can type, but need a full size keyboard to do so. It is easier to use a mouse for point and click stuff.

  7. Of course we missed you Dizzy, but I did not throw anything too heavy at ya (grin).
    I love the wireless mouse, and will probably opt for a keyboard stand when I get my new larger tablet. But that's so far in the future - who knows what innovations will have been sprung by then?!
    Welcome back!

    1. I hope this will last me until I ain't no more, but for now I am happy.

  8. had a wireless mouse for years, love it. Batteries last a good while even leaving it on. Its a logitech. My Acer laptop is 17" and i love it. Have you discoved in maybe mazella firefox, all of my old bookmarks are there!!! From ie, firefox, and google chrome. I couldnt believe it! Also, lots of other things too. And i have never used the cloud, that i know of. Reason for Acer, was the only one i could find with w7.

  9. Yes, DD. Of course we missed you. I was ready to send out a search party.
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny

    1. I am hard to find, but once found, I am hard to get rid of. I plan to stick around for a few more days.

  10. Replies
    1. Of course when I use one they should be called "messes" (grin). Thanks for the correct word and spelling.

  11. Glad to find you back on the air. I figured you were having some kind of 'puter problems, and I sure did notice you were not around

    Welcome back to Bloggerland!

    1. You figured right. This new computer is very similar but does have a few things I haven't figured out yet. So far, so good.
