Thursday, November 5, 2015

Driveway Fungus.

I carried the household garbage out to my dumpster this morning and on the walk out, I spotted some fungi that I thought was unique.  The one bunch of little mushrooms were there before and I posted about them back on Friday, October 30th.  In case you want to refresh your memory, here is a link to that post:

It seems that these wee little mushrooms have spread quite a bit since that post almost a week ago.

Remember back on that same blog I showed a picture of a stump with saw dust at its base.  This time there was very little sawdust but it had something else a little unusual.

Look a little to the right of the saw dust and there is a strange looking growth with yellow tendrils stretching out across the stump:

Now tell me that nature doesn't have some weird stuff.  But Mother Nature is neat and tidy.  She tries to clean up, dispose, or use all dead things.  Sometimes it is a fairly fast process and other times it takes a lot longer, but she gets the job done.  Now have a great day and try to stay quite a few steps ahead of Mother Nature, you hear?


  1. I've never seen those before,,,,, I'd probably scoop some up and take it to my county extension office... they have helped me ID things in the past.

  2. Looks almost like something from outer space! Pretty cool, though!

  3. It looks to me like a big yellow spiderweb!

  4. The fungus among us, I'll take a mushroom & Swiss cheese burger. I guess I'm hungry.

  5. Hmmm, never saw anything like that. Thx for showing us.

  6. That is some very interesting fungi. Have a great weekend.

  7. Never seeing something similar...I like the color.

  8. I haven't replied to any of your comments. If you want to know why, read the blog posting I wrote this evening. My old computer bit the dust and today they had my new one ready to pick up. So, I am back.
