Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Flaws in TV shows and movies.

One would think that TV shows and movies would be checked to see if there were any blatant flaws or mistakes.  But I guess some will slip though.  I was watching the Western Channel this afternoon.  The show was an old black and white Gunsmoke with Mat Dillon and Chester Good.  The flaw happened when Marshal Dillon told Chester to "check out that room down there".

Of course Chester went and checked that room and came out and said it was a dark room that was completely empty.  He said that it didn't even have a window so no one could have gotten out of it.  OK, so far so good but then I remembered that when Chester was in the doorway, a bright light from within cast his shadow out in the hall and when he left, light from within the room left a bright patch in the hall.  OK, if it were dark in there, where did the light come from?

There are a lot of things like this that I take notice of in shows that I watch.  Usually makes me smile or laugh out loud.  Have any of you noticed things like that?  Now, you all have a great evening, you hear?


  1. Well now... haven't had a TV for about 40 years or so... seldom go to the movies... only have my internet (most of the time) for amusement (other than Bill, who entertains me most of the time)... so... while I have a big grin when I read your blog, my biggest grin is because we just don't live in that fantasy world where we check out shadows and various other clues. but ... I'm a devoted mystery book reader, so get a kick out of that room with no windows. Hey... do you think (or most of the other world think?) that we are missing on the reality of the world be opting out of TV etc?

    1. No, of course not!! I believe that you and Bill live a perfect life and I envy you two. One of the best afternoons that I spent was talking to you and Bill.

  2. So nice to see that other people catch the flaws in movies. My hubby and I usually see them and comment on how stupid they are. We were watching an old Errol Flynn movie the other day - Don Juan - and every other scene Errol would have his earring in a different ear. Haha

    1. Yep, it is those little flaws that spoil a movie for me.

  3. Yeah, you just kinda shake your head,,, lol

  4. Oh yeah, Dizzy - I catch them all the time, and love it. Shots from behind with the actor's hand on the table, then the same conversation with his hand on his chin, etc. My favorite was John Wayne's last movie (The Shootist?), in the last scene where he dies in the saloon. As he comes down the steps into the saloon, there is a big orange electrical cable in plain sight., just under his feet. I laughed aloud when I first saw it, and my sister nearly murdered me. Quite the JW fan, she thought I was laughing at him getting shot. I think it was several years before she forgave me!
    Thanks for this post ~

    1. I have seen that movie on TV but didn't catch that flaw. I see that it is going to be on again, so I may just have to watch it again to see if I can see it.
