Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Sunset and an Unidentified Growth

We had another pretty sunset last evening.  Where I live, I can see the sunsets but way too many tall trees in the woods on the East of my property to allow me to see sunrises.  To the west is a different story.  My neighbor has a wide open field which allows for a good view of sunsets.  I happened to be outside walking and saw this sunset.  Took a couple of pictures.  This first one of the sunset shows the expanse of the field:

 I zoomed in on it for a second picture and think this one shows it much better:

This picture does not do it justice.  God is quite the artist and the sky is his easel.  Sometimes I just stand in awe and enjoy all of nature's beauties.

While I was walking around my driveway loop I found this object.  I could not find any more of them, just this one.  I was hoping to find one still attached to what ever it was growing on but to no avail.  Is it a fungus or a seed pod of some sort?  It looks like those little circular cups may have held some round seeds.  As a reference to size, I laid it on my knee.  If anyone knows what it is, please let me know.

Now, you all take time to glance at natures beauty and have a great day, you hear?


  1. i have a fantastic view from my house, and a lot of times i stopped dead in my tracks to look at one. A few days ago i saw a rainbow going down across a jet trail, a first for me. It was a bright one too.

    1. o yeah, not from an acorn tree? only thing i know that would look like that.

    2. I would think the chances of seeing a rainbow going down across a jet trail would be very slim. You are lucky to have seen it. You were there at the right time and looked up at the right time.

    3. Well, at my age and being a first,,, has to be rare, hahahaha. Didn't think it would show up in a pic so i didnt take one.

  2. So much wonderful beauty all around us to see.
    Love your sunset.

    1. Yes, there sure is and I can't wait to see what I will discover in Nature next.

  3. Could they be "pixie cup lichen"? Whatever they are, they sure are lovely....

    1. Yep, that is what they are, I believe. Thanks for the info.

  4. Like the sunset shots.... it's hard to catch the art in God's work, but you did a good job!

    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (our Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Thank you, but of course it always looks better in person than a picture.

  5. Yep, it was a beauty, wasn't it, Dizzy? And Sunday morning's sunrise was just spectacular! I was too busy just enjoying it to take pics ...

    1. Too many trees to my East to see a sunrise, even if I got up that early, and I don't. (grin)

  6. Your sunset photos are spectacular. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I believe in sharing. Yes, sometimes the clouds are just right for a great looking sunset.
