Saturday, October 10, 2015

Wondering About Aliens from Space.

I am not saying that there are alien life forms living out there in the universe somewhere.  But then, I am not saying there isn't.  The universe is a very huge place and life could have taken a foothold in other places than our Earth.  There have been signals (one was nicknamed the "Wow" signal) received that have not been explained, but neither have they been heard again.

I was reading an internet article ( that was interesting and then I came to number 15 about Napoleon Bonaparte.  What it said blew my mind.  He claimed that he had been abducted by aliens.  You know, he was missing back in July of 1794 for several days and could have been abducted.  Then in modern times, "scientists found a tiny foreign object embedded within the skeletal remains of Napoleon and announced the thing to be a micro chip."  I copied the exact words from the web page I listed above so that you would know it wasn't just me writing it.  It was the discovery of the micro chip that blew my mind.

Does anyone out there have another explanation of it being there?  If so, please tell us your theory.  Now, keep those micro chips out of your heads and have a really great day, you hear?


  1. We spent the night in Roswell, NM a few nights ago... made it out of there without seeing little green men, UFOs or the such. Of course we wore our tinfoil hats while we were there.....

    1. Tin foil hats or steel colanders will both work well (grin).

    2. Hey Dizzy. Thanks for the tip; I have a stainless colander already. I'm set to go!

      Oh my, if you only knew the "what all" about other civilizations AND we have many of their citizens among us, right here in the good ol' USA. You haven't heard of Dulce, NM? Area 51? Eisenhower's encounter? Hmm, odd. Ha, start punching those keys and in much searching and reading, you may be enlightened. We live in a beautiful Universe with many wonders. One of these coming days we will hear from the nightly news: "Surprise, Surprise, Folks, we have discovered beings/people on Mars. They are living inside the planet".

      Now hear this: a huge triangular craft hovered straight over my head couple hundred feet up for over five minutes back in 1989.

    3. Should of said galaxy, not universe.

    4. Yes, I know about the crashed saucer in Roswell and Area 51. And have seen pictures of the dead alien.

  2. It's a big universe out there where anything is possible.

  3. HUNDREDS TURN OUT to Protest Obama in Oregon "Go Golf!"

    ps: Link Exchange with CC?

  4. Maybe it's alien life forms who post comments on a blog that have nothing to do with the subject being discussed.

    As for UFO's, aliens, etc., I'm a believer.

    1. You just gave me a big laugh. Thanks for brightening up my evening. I sure do agree with you, they must be alien (grin). And yes, this universe is so enormous that the odds are in favor of some form of life some where else. The vast distances make it hard to communicate. We could get a weak signal from from some of them but it would have been sent billions of years ago. Everything we see in the past, whether in milliseconds or light years.

  5. More than likely other life forms do exist. Guess we'll know for sure wqhen we are supposed to, ya know?

    1. As I replied to Gypsy, the vastness of the universe would allow other civilizations to go undetected for billions of years.

  6. When you think we have only had radio receiving equipment for about 100 years and computing algorithms capable of analyzing alien originated data for maybe 30 years, it's not unreasonable to think someone is out there and we missed the signal before their economy tanked and they effectively shut down their space program. And then hominids (after the apes) here took 5 million years to get to homo sapiens (us) 100,000 years ago with most of those 100k spent in caves looking up at the sun as mystical. Who knows where we will be in knowledge just 500 years from now, much less where in life's long progression an alien life form, that could hear our signals, might be. Even if they could pick up the original fifties version of "I Love Lucy" and amazingly could decode it, the signal might still be traveling to their planet 500 or 1000 light years away. The possibilities are endless.

  7. I am a firm believer that there is intelligent life somewhere else in the Universe. Too many things here are unexplained and many ancient drawings and objects all point to extraterrestrial life. And what about all the strange sightings of objects and lights in the sky. With the infinity of the Universe why would The Creator only put life on this one planet. Great story Dizzy!!

    1. Scientists believe that there are multiple universes, the call the multiverse. With all those other universes, the chances of there being life elsewhere is very high.
