Thursday, October 8, 2015

Son Is On His Way

Our son is on his way home for a short break from his job on Alaska's North Shore.  What a difference it will be for him, leaving the freezing weather up there and arriving here where it will be 88 degrees today.  I know he will be very happy to see his wife and family again.  Once he gets here, I bet he will not want to return to the Arctic Ocean beach front where the seals swim and the polar bears pretend they are life guards. . . yeah, right, I am sure the bears are watching the seals, but not to save them.  The seals are the bears main diet.

It will be great to see him.  I bet it will not be long until I hear his tractor running (grin).  That will be enough excitement for today.  Now, I hope you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Glad he's coming back for a visit. Alaska is a long way from just about everywhere.

    1. Me, too. Alaska is a long way from everywhere except Russia.

  2. Will be so nice for a family visit again and thaw out before heading back up north.

    1. I heard the tractor running and went out to look, yep, he is home!!

  3. Have a great visit! Family times are to be cherished....

    1. I always enjoyed visiting family. When I was growing up an only child in PA, my cousins were very close to me.

  4. Talk about a crazy climate change! I'm glad he is getting to visit.

    1. Yep, but his climate change was brought about by traveling, not by Mother Nature. He sure is looking good to my wife and me.

  5. Dizzy I started to go up there and work on the north slope pipe line back when ? Six week later I was having coffee with my bubby that went ,he was home on R&R required already made more money than I was going to make the rest of the year.Electrician

    1. There is nothing else to do except work, so they work lots of long hours and get logs of overtime pay.

  6. Happy to hear your son is back for a visit. Enjoy it! I can't imagine working in such a cold climate; I would be a popsicle. Have a great weekend.

    1. I heard his big ole John Deere running so went out and visited with him. We had a nice chat.

  7. Some "foreign" work is a really good base for a future nest egg - spoken from experience. Missing him now may turn out to be a really good thing for the family's future.
    Glad he has a job to return to, with all the cutbacks up there on that and other pipeline work ...
    Enjoy your visit!

    1. Maybe he will stay around here for awhile, that is, if he can find a job in the next few days. If not, back to the north shore.

  8. You think the "visit" will become permanent?

    1. Don't know at this time. Of course, nothing is permanent in this world.

  9. It's supposed to get up to 90 in Sacramento today, and I find it unbearably hot after being in the 70's and low 80's in NY for a month.

    1. Our friend stopped by this evening before it got dark and since he had never seen all my property, my wife and I took him for a walk around near the perimeter. I came back just soaken wet from the heat and humidity. The perimeter of 12 acres is quite a stroll. The A.C. sure feels good right now.
