Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Quick Bloom

The reason the title is "A Quick Bloom", is because this plant's blooms only last a day at the most or a few hours at the least.  My wife has raised this plant for years and takes clippings and puts them in water (or dirt) to take root.  One of them is in full bloom so I thought that I would share its beauty with you:

I believe that these are Epiphyllum or the Orchid Cactus.  But I may be wrong.  The pictures of them don't look quite the same.  Here is a link to a website that tells a little about Epiphyllum: Click HERE.

Just so you think that is all she has growing, here is another small sample of what she grows:

There are also flowers growing in the garden, on the screened in back porch, and in the house.  I would think that she has a green thumb but when she has her hands in the dirt, the green on the thumb is covered up with dark brown dirt (grin).  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Those cacti are beautiful! Does your wife name them? Our friend Greg's wife had a cactus blooming on their porch.... I asked him what it's name was... He promptly said "Bill and Sharon",.....

    1. No, I don't believe she has named them. Wow, you have a blooming cactus named after you and Bill.

  2. Your wife really does have a green thumb. What beautiful cacti plants. They look so healthy. Does she talk to them - my grandma always talked to her plants. Said it helped them grow. :)

    1. I will tell her to be sure to talk a lot more to them and to always say nice things. She does talk to them some times.

  3. Replies
    1. Your welcome. A flower that pretty should be shared.
