Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Couple of Sayings and a Couple of Pictures

Some of us never learn to mind our own business, but the person who posted this first saying learned how to mind his own business the hard way:

Well, this next one proves one can get a little too awake:

This next gadget is one I would just love to have.  I am sure it would make people take a second look and then wouldn't believe their eyes.  It gives the illusion that you can look right through a person and see what is behind him or her.

I have been trying to figure out this last picture and the only conclusion I can come up with is that she has been driving a car with worn out shocks on a really bumpy road.  Do you have a better explanation?

It took me awhile to find some new stuff to post.  Hope you like it.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Yep, me too. We need to get one of those. Couldn't we have fun with one of those?

  2. Good ones Dizzy. However, the last one made me . . . dizzy.

    1. Sorry you are dizzy. What ever way things are spinning for you, just spin yourself around a few times the other direction. Of course I am Dizzy all the time (grin).

  3. I kinda like the first one... some folks aren't as crazy as we think ;-)

    1. Most of us are at least a little bit crazy, but I have to admit, some are really nuts. . .But then there are those we first think are crazy and they turn out to be more sane than we are.

  4. My favorite is the first one. Those are really good. Thanks for the laugh.

    1. I liked that one, too. I liked them all, that is why I posted them.

  5. Good ones, but that last one made me dizzy too, and it kinda stays with ya

    1. When I look at it, it appears to be moving. . . or is that caused by me rocking in my rocking chair?
