Monday, October 5, 2015

Wondering About Alfred E. Neuman

Back in my younger days, I loved Mad magazine and especially the quotes of Alfred E. Neuman.

I found a list of some of Neuman's quotes and his twisted logic always made me laugh, or at least grin a lot.  Some of his one liners would make you stop and think a bit and then it hits you and you can't help but burst out in laughter or at least a big grin.  I found a list of some of Alfred E. Neuman's quotes at this web-site:

I will leave you with one of his "words of wisdom":

Now, you all have a great day and be like Alfred and don't worry, or like some people say, don't sweat the small stuff.  Remember to click on the link I gave you and enjoy some more humor.  Have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Did you click on that link to see more of his quotes? I got a laugh out of them.

  2. I used to read Mad Magazine in my younger days.

  3. One of the authors of Mad Mag is on Leo Laports' blog show every weekend. It's always at the end of the show. Heard on many radio stations in the U.S. He's heard on Saturdays and Sunday's afternoon.

  4. Used to love Mad, but had to hide them from my dad he was NOT a fan.

    1. I started reading it in College. No, it wasn't required reading. . .

  5. My son was a huge fan of Mad Magazine. He used that magazine to learn to read. Thanks for the memories.

  6. Learning to read using Mad Magazine would be a lot more fun than McGuffey's Reader.

  7. I got a chuckle out of those quotes... thanks for that memory

    1. I did, too. I could have copied them and pasted them into the blog, but thought it was just as easy for anyone who wanted to read them to click on the link to them. Glad I could stir up your memory.
