Sunday, October 4, 2015


No, not the person, the near-Earth asteroid that created quite a scare back in 2004.  It was named Apophis.  Then they figured the next pass by us on April 13, 2029. it may smack right into us.  We all got a little upset until we found out that the chance of that happening was only about 2.7%.  That is not a lot, in fact I liked our chances of it missing us at 97.3%.

Apophis is 1066 feet in diameter.  A rock that size would make a quite a dent in old Mother Earth.  In fact, they blame an impact of an asteroid for the extinction of the dinosaurs.  It could cause a global winter that could change Earth for quite a few years.  There is a possibility that during its close encounter with us in 2029, Apophis would pass through a gravitational keyhole that would set up an impact seven years later.  (Which would be April 13, 2036)  This "keyhole" is a small region only about a half mile wide.  The chance is slim that it would pass through this very small patch of space.  This isn't to say that that other objects from "out there" wouldn't have us in their sights and we don't know about them. . . yet.  The universe is a wonder but it isn't a very peaceful place.

This is another among many reasons why we should live each day as if it were the last one that we have.  Now, don't worry, I didn't write this to scare you.  Just wanted you all to be aware of what could be.  But for now, just have yourselves a great day, you hear?


  1. Right now I have plenty to worry about with climate change. I won't be here in 2029 so I guess I shouldn't get all worked up about it now.

    1. I bet you will still be around, that is only fourteen years from now. I doubt if I will be, but who knows. Either way, I ain't worried about it.

  2. I may or may not be here in 2029. But either way I'm not going to worry, cuz I'll probably get blown up by an Iranian "nuke" long before then. So my motto is to live each day as if it is my last one on Earth. I will have myself a great day. Hope yours is great also.

    1. Yep, our demise could be only one breath away, so until that time, why worry. Remember Mad Magazine and Alfred E. Neuman's quote? "What, me worry?"

  3. I dont go by "could be",,,so im good.

    1. That is a good way to be. There is just way too many "could be" things that may happen and a lot more that will never happen.
