Saturday, October 3, 2015

I Can't Find Pictures.

I am ready to pull some of my long hair out!!  I can't find the pictures that I am looking for.  Yes, I know this laptop's hard-drive was wiped clean, but I have all the chips saved from my cameras.  I just spent the afternoon looking through all those pictures on the all those chips.  See my header picture up there on top of my blog?  I could not even find that one.

Why do I want some of my pictures?  Well, I talked to my cousin Judy last night on the phone to see what the status was of her brother (yes, you guessed it, he is my cousin, too) who has been seriously ill and in the hospital and the prognoses does not look good.  I am not going to go into details, but I am worried about him.  Well, I told my cousin Judy on the phone that I would send her a few select pictures.  Well, I can't find the ones I wanted to send to her.  Where oh were did they go???

Now I will have to go try to fire up some of my old desk-top computers to see if I can find those missing pictures on them.  Well, maybe not today.  There is always tomorrow.  You know, don't ever do today what you can put off until tomorrow, right?  Now just take it easy and have a great Saturday evening, you hear?


  1. I , too, have pictures on a couple of computers and cd's. It's hard to find one photo among so many.

    1. Yes it is and I haven't tried to fire up any of the old desk-tops.

  2. Hope you find the photos. I'm always looking for old photos.... But I do born CDs and label them by date and content.... Only "October 2015 ABQ" isn't specific enough.... Oh well, ..... Good luck!

    1. Since the computer fix-it shop had to wipe my computer clean to get rid of the problem I had with some malware, I may have lost it for ever.
