Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Unusual Tote Bags

Have you ever been shopping and taken notice of all the different kinds of tote bags or shopping bags or what ever you call them, that people carry?  I decided to go search the internet for some unusual bags.  I found four that I have posted below.

This first one is suppose to be a cupcake.  I don't think that I would carry this one but you women out there may be interested.  It would go with your outfit that you wear to birthday parties, etc.  Looks almost good enough to eat:

How about one for that active person who just loves to exercise by jumping rope?  As you notice that the ones on the left show a gal and the ones on the right show a guy.  The jump rope is the carrying handle and it looks right while just sitting there or when someone is carrying it.

This one is called "Nail biter?", but it looks to me like that gal is taking a bite of much more than just nails. . . (grin).

Now this is my kind of bag.  I like it, especially if there is a gun inside it, too.

OK, that is it for today.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. While I like that last bag, I think it could get a person in a lot of trouble these days. By the way, we just got our mail a few minutes ago... there was a notice that State Representative (TX) James White says that legislature passed a bill that those folks who have a concealed weapon license (in TX) can openly carry a weapon. I'll refrain from making any personal statement here, but that bag you show might just qualify ;-)

    1. I think that everyone should be armed, but I know that will never happen. Like they say, if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

  2. I like the last one. The cupcake . . . it's ugly as sin.

    1. Maybe a real young little girl could carry that first one with her cookies and candy in it. I like the last two the best.

  3. I gave my son a man/bag for his birthday a couple of years ago,,thot he would be the one to start the fashion around here, but not so far. My nephew carries one, but its just a big draw string bag. got lots in it too....

    1. Most men do not like to carry purses, even if it is their wife's purse. Of course, at my age, I just do what ever I want and don't care what the heck any body thinks.

  4. Those sure are some crazy handbags. The only one I would consider is the last one.

    1. Like I told Sixbears, I like the last two the best. Like you, I like the last one the most.

  5. where are you? everything okay?

  6. My computer died, not me, at least, not yet. Got it back from the computer shop today, so I am now good to go.
