Friday, October 23, 2015

Just Like New, Almost.

On our way to an appointment yesterday, I stopped by the  computer fix-it shop and picked up my laptop.  It seems to be working great and it even took a full charge.  The technician told me to be extra gentle with it, since there is only one bracket left to hold the power plug in place.

The problem is my rocker/recliner.  Yes, you heard me right.  I sit here in it rocking and typing and reading blogs, etc.  When I plug in the charger wire, sometimes it bumps up against the arm of the chair.  This bumping bent the plug and eventually broke it.  I will have to be more careful when charging, since I will still be sitting in "my" chair.  I could sit elsewhere, like on the couch, but the couch doesn't rock.  OK, I admit, I am spoiled.  I want my cake and want to eat it, too.  That means that I will continue sitting and rocking in my rocker while I am using the computer or watching TV or reading.  I am too old a dog to teach new tricks.

I got my tablet out and tried to get on line but I couldn't remember the pass-words.  I tried and tried and tried, but it will not work.  That is why I seemed to have disappeared from the blogger world, but like Jack Nicholson's famous saying in The Shining, "Honey, I'm home".  Well, I am back, too.  

Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Glad you are back, we were all worried when you disappeared. I too love my rocker and won't give it up. I must keep up the tradition asI sit in my great-grandmother's rocker. Have a good weekend.

    1. I love all kinds of rockers, including the ones with real rockers on the bottom. . . although they are hard on dogs' and cats' tails.

  2. While I don't rock while I use the computer, I somehow bent the wires near the part of the charger that plugs into my computer. I wrapped them in all kinds of tape, and just try to be careful. I can't imagine what Apple would charge me for a new charger - probably it would be better to buy a new laptop! Glad to hear from you anyway.

    1. If it is just the wires that are bad, you can cut out the bad part and splice the wires back together and wrap with electrical tape.

  3. Good to see you back on the airways again, my friend! I hope the computer continues to work good for a while now.

    1. I hope it works for a long time, too. Thanks, and it is good to be back on blogger.

  4. Replies
    1. So far my "fixed" computer is working just fine. Glad to be back.

  5. How's about a creaky old porch swing? Give you more elbow room. Glad to hear you back on the air, DD.

    1. Wow, those creaky old porch swings sure do bring back a lot of good old memories.

  6. Happy to see you back, had a hunch it might be computer trouble.

    1. You were right, now do you have a hunch on the lottery numbers for tonight?

  7. Welcome home - you had us concerned. Glad Bubba has a way of keeping track of you when you're not blogging.

    1. I didn't know I was gone that long (grin) and I sure didn't think so many of you cared!!! Thank you for caring.

  8. Oh, What a relief it is......knowing that you are OK.
    Hugs to you both,
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny

    1. Sometimes I just can't find anything to blog about.
