Sunday, October 25, 2015

Had a Great Idea. . . but.

I was laying in bed last night and just before I fell asleep, I got thinking about my blog.  I came up with a real great idea!!  I was so excited it was hard to get to sleep.  But guess what?  When I woke up this morning, I remembered having a great idea but as hard as I tried, I just could not remember what it was.  Dang!!  So, I thought I would put off writing my blog until this evening, hoping it would pop back into my memory.

Well, it didn't.  So, I have really don't have a subject for today.  Maybe tonight I will lay a pad and pencil beside my bed, or not.  Since I lost my great idea, I guess I will just say:  You all have a great day, you hear?


  1. T'was all a dream, hard to remember dreams.

    1. Maybe you are right, but I thought I was awake. When you get my age you have trouble knowing if you are awake or asleep and of course my memory isn't all that good. Now, what was it you said???

  2. Man, I hate it when that happens!

  3. i really hate when that happens. I keep a pencil and paper next to my bed just for when I get a great idea. I've learned that if I don't write things down immediately the idea vanishes into thin air - never to return. Getting old sure "blows".

    1. It even happens to me while I am writing a sentence. Yes, getting old sure does "blow".

  4. And you'd better write more than just a word or 2, or,, you'll think,,"now what does that mean?"

  5. You always manage to find good subjects to write about. But the pad & pencil next to the bed is a good idea for everyone to do.

    1. That would work. Sometimes I have ideas just before I fall asleep. Those are usually lost for ever.
