Saturday, September 12, 2015

Tree Trimming Today.

My wife suggested that I go out to the front lot and trim the pine trees that were intruding over the fence into the neighbor's yard.  I did the cutting and the wife drug the cut limbs over to a pile away from the fence.  Went fairly well except that I had just eaten a huge lunch and was very, very full and the sun was very, very hot.  This caused me to heat up a little more than I like and was really glad to get that job done and get back into the house and grab a big glass of water.  And yes, the air-conditioning really felt good.  It took me a little while but started to feel good again.

I am either getting spoiled or getting old or both.  Just can't seem to do the things I used to, especially in the heat of the day.  I can get the work done, but have to pace myself.  Now don't any of you over do it in the heat of the day but have a great day, you hear?


  1. I don't have to worry about the heat... it's been in the 50's here in Ohio today. Did you use loppers or a chain saw? I haven't done well with either but found that I can use Bill's Makita reciprocal saw to do pruning on stuff that the bow saw is too much work. At any rate... take care and don't be working out in that hot sun too long.

    1. Would you believe a cold front blew in over night and right now (07:57) this morning it is in the mid 60's. What a difference!!!

    2. Oh, I forgot to answer your question. I used a large set of loppers that have adjustable handle lengths. For the larger limbs, I extend the handles as far as they go for more leverage. It was still a lot of work for this old guy (grin). Yep, a lot harder than rocking in my recliner. . .

  2. When its hot I don't eat much and rink lots water and pace myself, really helps. Just take it easy.

    1. My favorite hobby is eating. I try to never miss a meal. You are correct on what you say, but I try not to skip many meals.

  3. An old guy I use to work with complained about the sun "boiling down" on him. Now I'm an old man and the sun really feels like it's boiling down on me. It ain't the heat, it's the humiliation.

    1. Yep, it sure is humiliating, for sure. Just wait until you get my age.

  4. I cant even get out in my yard right now, to do anything. My trees need watering so bad, and i thot we were getting some rain,, but,, as usual, not here.

    1. I got so many trees that if I tried to water all of them, I would pump my well dry. Don't want to do that.

  5. I have to be very careful about not over doing things. Heat and humidity really sap my strength very quickly these days. Just be careful

    1. I know I need some exercise, but think I will wait until winter. It may be a little cooler then.
