Sunday, September 13, 2015

Four Disgusting Pictures

Have you ever seen pictures that you thought were really disgusting?  Yep, there are a lot of them and through the benefits of the internet, I am going to post four of them for you now.  You just can't take disgusting in big doses, it just ain't good for you to get too much at one time.  So here are the four that I picked for today.
OK, before you get too upset about this first picture, I should tell you that they are not human.  Nope, they are melted remnants from a fire at a wax museum in London.  It still isn't a pretty sight, is it?

This next one was a real person.  She was all dressed up, even had on white gloves, for her last big step.  She either jumped or was pushed out of an upper window or off of the roof of a tall building landing on the roof of a car parked below.  Suicides are a real unnecessary waste of human life.  There is always other options, but of course my old Dad always told me that "nothing is so bad that it can't get worse".

If the two pictures above were not enough to disgust you than maybe a great big bat will do the trick:

Have you ever see a bat that big?  Now, I want you all to think about that huge bat when you lay down in your bed to go to sleep tonight.  Better keep your windows closed (grin).

Don't have room in your garage for both your new Ferrari and your old pick-up truck?  Problem solved.  Just park the truck on top of the Ferrari:

Now I sure hope I didn't make you too disgusted, but would rather you make sure you have a great day, you hear?


  1. Yes, those are some disgusting pictures. However, you did not ruin my day. I actually found the pictures some what interesting. Have a good day.

    1. Sure glad I didn't ruin your day and that you found them somewhat interesting.

  2. Are these necessary? I almost skipped this today. lol

    1. Exactly what my wife said. She was upset with me publishing such a disgusting blog.

  3. By the time I got to the bat and the car/truck they weren't so bad after the first two. I couldn't believe you posted the first one, but had to laugh when you revealed that they were wax figures.

    1. My wife wanted me to take off the second picture, but I refused.
