Saturday, September 19, 2015

Some More Jokes, Enjoy.

Jokes again today.

Here are some Bill Gates quotes that I think are funny:

"I failed in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all.  Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft"

And this one about Bill Gates in restaurant:

After eating, he gave $5.00 to the waiter as a tip.  The waiter had a strange expression on his face after the tip.  Gates noticed and asked "What Happened"?
Waiter:  "I'm just amazed because on the same table your son gave a tip of $500.00 and you, his father, richest man in the world only gave five bucks. . .?
Gates smiled & replied with meaningful words, "He is a son of the world's richest man, but I am the son of a wood cutter. . . "

OK, enough of that.  How about a joke that I also found on the internet while I was searching for Bill Gates stuff?  I got a laugh out of it and hope you do, too.

One day in the men's locker room at a gym, a man answers a cell phone ringing, "Hun, I stopped at the mall and I found this awesome fur coat for sale I was wondering, can I get it?" The man looks grim and asks, "How much does it cost sweetie?" the wife replies "Its only a thousand, please???" He looks regretfully and says "Sure, why not hunny" The wife replies, "Thanks hun! awesome!... Ohh baby I just remembered that one SUV I wanted, I drove by the Mercedes-Benz dealer and they are having a huge sale! can I get it?" The man, appearing overwhelmed and confused, asks "how much are they asking for it?" The wife replies, "oh, its about 120k....???" The man quickly replies "Fine sweetie if your gonna spend that much I want it with ALL the options" the wife, very happy and thanking him, says "ok hunny ill see ya when I get home!" The man hangs up the phone, with a funny grin on his face, he turns around facing the 3 other men changing near him and he asks " Do you guys have any idea who's cell phone this might be?"

I hope you enjoyed today's fun stuff.  I have fun finding it and putting it on here.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Good ones! The one about the tip really got to me. No matter what happens to us in our lives, we just never outgrow what we learn when we're young, do we?

    1. No we don't and that is why parents should be very careful what they teach their kids by the parents actions.

  2. Well, my mom cleaned other folks houses and she taught me to tip well. Sometimes those that grew up poor are the most generous. (however, I know that Gates must be generous because I'm always hearing his name on PBS)

    1. I am not all that sure about Gates. You do understand that he and I don't actually run in the same circles, don't you?

  3. He probably tips more than I make in a year, but I'm sure he needs it mo9re than I. I'm used to living on a budget!

    1. I only eat out once every year or two. . . have to save up for those tips, you know.
