Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Couple of Dinosaurs.

Today I am going to write about a couple of dinosaurs.  Everyone likes them and there are dinosaurs toys for kids.  Yep, we started liking them when we were young.  There have been many movies about them, most, if not all, have not been very accurate.

The two I am going to talk about are the Stegosaurus:

And the Tyrannosaurus Rex:

The first one above, the Stegosaurus, was a large, plant-eating dinosaur.  It lived 150.8 to 155.7 million years ago and roamed mostly in western North America.  It wasn't too smart, probably because it had small brain about the size and shape of a hot dog.  Those strange looking plates running down its back actually had blood vessels in them and thus (maybe) they were used to control the beast's body temperature.

The bottom picture above is the well know Tyrannosaurus Rex which was one of the largest meat eating dinosaurs.  It could bite off huge chunks of meat with its 4-foot long jaw lined with sharp, conical teeth.  Oh yes, did you know that its fore-arms were so short that they wouldn't reach its mouth.  So, your guess is as good as mine at what they were used for.  Now, stay out of this dinosaur's way so that you can have a good day, you hear?  


  1. Dinosaurs! I thought you were going to talk about yourself and BillyBob.

    1. Ha Ha, Sorry to disappoint you, although BillyBob and I are both dinosaurs but we are not quite extinct yet. . .

  2. I thought you were referring to me.... Oh well..... In Maine the loader was called the T-Rex.... Bill and I bought one of those yellow road signs somewhere that warned of a T Rex crossing... Big ole dinasour crossing the road. Now a'days that's critter would. E across the road a lot faster than me!

    1. It is a shame that a space rock crashing into earth caused their extinction, but that allowed the mammals (and us) to take over.

  3. Maybe T-Rex used his short arms for balance. If they won't reach your mouth what good are they.

    1. They don't look big enough for balancing a 4 or 5 hundred pound creature.

  4. More interesting trivia, that we all enjoy.

    1. Always makes me feel good when someone enjoys my blog and finds it interesting. Thanks.

  5. In 2nd grade my son was fascinated with them, read all he could. Teacher gave 5 of them on a spelling test for extra points and marked one of his wrong. He argued and argued til she got mad. Next day, she apologized to him,,,HE was right....

  6. In 2nd grade my son was fascinated with them, read all he could. Teacher gave 5 of them on a spelling test for extra points and marked one of his wrong. He argued and argued til she got mad. Next day, she apologized to him,,,HE was right....

    1. Sometimes the teacher gets a worse grade than the pupil.
