Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Short Quiz.

I am going to give you a short quiz and at the end, I will give you the answers.  To make it even easier, it will be a true or false quiz.  OK, are you ready, do you have your pencils sharpened and have spares, no cheating allowed, and it will be a timed test.  OK, maybe not a timed test, you can take as long as you want.  Just let us know how well you scored.

1)  There are more atoms in a glass of water than glasses of water in all the oceans on earth.

2)   Speaking of that glass of water, the probability of it containing a molecule of water that also passed though a dinosaur is almost 100%.

3)   You can't hum while holding your nose.  OK, let go of your nose. . .

4)   Robin Mahfood (could that be street language for "robing my food") is the CEO of Food For The Poor.

5)   The water that Lake Superior holds could cover all of North and South America in one foot of water.

6)   It takes Pluto a long time to orbit the sun.  In fact, it never made a full orbit from the time it was discovered to when it was declassified as a planet.

7)   For you baseball fans. . . The last time the Cubs won the world series, Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, and New Mexico were not yet states yet.

8)   Humans share 59% of their DNA with bananas.

9)   Mammoths went extinct 1000 years after the Egyptians finished building the Great Pyramid.

10)  North Korea and Finland are separated by one country.

11)  The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.

12)  Betty White is actually older than sliced bread.

13)  Not once in the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme does it mention that he is an egg.

14)  Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire.

15)  Hippo milk is pink.

16)  Russia has a larger surface area than does Pluto.

(All the above statements are true)

BTW, I got all this information from here.  Now be careful, after reading all these facts your brain may be much heavier and you may require a neck brace to keep your head upright, but even so, I want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Hey, hey! I got them all correct, although I didn't really know anything about #4. Since the rest were all true I figured that one must be true as well. Some of those facts are really amazing!

    1. I was going to throw a false one in there to keep you on your toes, but decided not to today. Maybe next time I make a list.

  2. I didn't have a sharp pencil... then again I didn't realize Betty White was older than sliced bread!

    1. I guess not having a sharp pencil is a good enough excuse for now.

  3. I'm still puzzling about my DNA and the bananas. I recently had mine tested for genealogy purposes and came up with 1 match... and that person has never answered my e-mail. Maybe it's a banana? I won't even tell you how many I missed... if I'm related to a banana it really doesn't matter, does it?

    1. Yeh, maybe that is why I peel when I get too much sun. . .

  4. Passed through a dinosaur?? You mean my glass of ice tea has dinoP in it??

    1. Yep, a small percent. But what is bad is what might be in the majority of it. . . I will never tell (grin).

    2. A secret blend of 4 herbs and spices, 5 , now.

    3. You do know that my first job was the chicken cooker for KFC, right?

  5. Guess I'm not as smart as I thought I was.

    1. Being smart doesn't mean you have to know a lot of trivial facts. I am sure that you are smarter than you thought.
