Saturday, August 29, 2015

Ten Years Ago Today

Ten years ago today, back in 2005, New Orleans had a really bad day.  Can you imagine that it was that long ago when hurricane Katrina slammed into that city as a Category 4 storm.  It packed 145 mph winds, set off 36 tornadoes in at least five states.  When it visited New Orleans, it came tossing vehicles, knocking down homes, and of course cutting all power to that area.  I remember it well.  Lots of people from that area evacuated to East Texas.  And guess what, some of them never went back home.  Of course most of them didn't have homes to go back to.

We get complacent when there have been a few years without any local major storms.  Anyone living near the coast or in low lying ground, should keep a wary eye on the Gulf at all times.  It is amazing how fast the Gulf can give birth to a damaging storm.  Some packaged and dry food, canned goods, and lots of bottled water should be kept in a safe and accessible place in case of emergencies like hurricanes.  Don't forget to rotate your food stores once in awhile by eating the old and replacing it with new.

Me?  No, I ain't prepared.  I would do the same thing I did last time one hit this area. Then we all jumped in the motorhome and got the heck out of Dodge the Houston area.  That was back on Sept. 13, 2008 when Hurricane Ike came a visiting.  Here is my old blog posting about McKinney Falls State Park:

That was back when I had the class-C motorhome.  My son stayed home and therefore we had someone to watch the place and report to us.  Of course all power and phone lines were down for miles in all directions from my place and it took weeks to get it all restored.  When you live in paradise, every now and then you have to pay your dues (grin).  Paradise, you ask?  Well, I like it here!!  Now, hope there is only a little breeze at your place and I want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I'd be afraid to live on either Coast or the Gulf; with melting glaciers the seas are sure to rise. Paradise? I'm not sure you can say that about anyplace on earth - there's always some natural disaster that we can't predict. My idea of Paradise is somewhere the temp doesn't go above about 75, and maybe get down to the 30's for a few days a year. Asheville NC was the closest to Paradise that I've ever been.

    1. I called this area paradise with my tongue in my cheek. Yes, I like it here, but I have like other places as well.

  2. The 10th anniversary of Katrina sure has been on the news a lot. And a lot of it is shouda/coulda/woulda stuff. Oh well... maybe we do learn by experience...

  3. Cant believe its been that long either. My bro wants to GO down there when theres one. hahaha.
    You cant be the one in paradise,,, I AM.... hahahaha...Just check it out some time... TX Hill Country

    1. I have been to the the Texas Hill Country and it is nice there. I did enjoy my stay at Inks Lake State Park.

  4. Can't believe it has been 10 years since Katrina. Those hurricanes can really be very scary sometimes. When I lived in Pensacola, FL we had one or two and when I was stationed on Okinawa we had a couple to typhoons. Okinawa was bad because where do you escape to when you're on an Island - we just watched the water rise and prayed. Glad your computer is healthy again; we missed you.

    1. Time sure does fly by, doesn't it. I believe you about an island being bad with no where to escape to.
