Monday, August 31, 2015

Our Son Took a New Job

Our son got a new job and quit his old job.  His new job pays better and he will get to see new things, that is the good part.  The bad part is that it is located on the North Slope of Alaska!!  That is a long ways away from Texas, both in miles and in temperature.  Here is a map of Alaska, look for Deadhorse:

He will be working east of Deadhourse near Point Thomson.  Yes, it is an oilfield job and he will be in north slope training for a few days at the ANS or Alaska North Slope. 

He showed me some of his cold weather gear.  He needs more but you just can't find a lot of that kind of thing down here in Texas.  He had to order it and at least he got one complete suit to start and said when he has a layover in Anchorage, he will look for more.

I am anxiously awaiting photos from him.  I will never get to travel to that area, even if I wanted to (grin).  Well at least he is getting up there in the summer, but even so, there is a big difference from the temperatures up there compared to here.  I think that would be a real shock to a person's system, but then, it may feel very refreshing.  I sure hope all goes well for him and he enjoys his work.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Good for him! From what I hear, those jobs pay very well, so hopefully he'll have a nice bank account soon. I'm sure he'll be working hard and the elements might not be the best, but in time it will be worth it. Smart guy! Best of luck to him. :)

    1. That's the way I look at it and I think he will be able to handle it. His wife is staying here to look after all the rabbits and dogs and chickens and quail and. . .

  2. I'd give anything to have been able to spend some time working in Alaska.

    1. My son will be on the north shore and that is cold, cold, cold all the time, being that far above the arctic circle. You may change your mind after a few days up that far. Now, other parts of that state, further south, has beautiful forests and rivers.

    2. Before I got rid of my 5th wheel I seriously considered applying for a volunteer job near Fairbanks (between 100-200 miles). I was astounded at the food allowance provided, and the cost of food reflected it.

    3. Fairbanks is due south of Deadhorse.

  3. I wish him well. Alaska has always been a dream trip of mine but I guess not that far up.

    1. I like cool weather, but that is a little too cold for me!! Yes, a little too far north.

  4. That will be a drastic change but also such an adventure. Good luck to him. Did you know that Denali had snow last week? And it is way south of ANS. Becki

    1. Yes, I heard about that. And yes, leaving the Texas heat and going north of the arctic circle will really be a drastic change.

  5. cold weather and the town's name is the name, lets you know right off you better be tough. How long does he plan to stay there? It sounds like an adventure for sure!

    1. This first time, he will be there for quite a few weeks, learning what all he needs to know. After that, I believe that they do some sort of a rotation. That is a long, long way from here in Cut and Shoot, TX.

  6. Wishing you son all the best in his new adventure.

    1. It will be a new adventure for sure. Thanks for the good wishes.

  7. Hubby and I plan an Alaskan cruise next year about this time, and where we will be is nothing close to where your son is, or nearly that cold. I start layering when it gets below 70! But a beautiful part of our country, and one I look forward to seeing.
    Jobs like this, or overseas for a few years, are great for building up the bank account, and can really ease the retirement worries. Voice of experience ... just sayin'.

    1. Yes, it does help the finances and he will get to see an area where he has never been. He saw a lot of Europe when in the Army but never got to Alaska before.

  8. Cant get further N, can ya? I watch shows on TV all the time about people living in Alaska. One of them is based that far N,,, I sure wouldnt do it. Maybe the southern part.

    1. Why didnt he look into off short drilling? Pays fantastic, and its in the Gulf... lol ... Just asking. Have an X sil doing that, and has advanced so far in promotions, making tremendous pay.

    2. off shore, not off short..hahahaha

    3. Yep, that is as far north as you can get in the U.S.A. If he went any further north he would have to hitch a ride with a white bearded old fat guy with a red suit who drives a sleigh with eight raindeer pulling it.

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    1. I wrote that post about my son. I am in my 70's and am not looking for a job or any work of any kind.
