Friday, August 28, 2015

Severe Separation Symptoms.

Yes, I had SSS or Severe Separation Symptoms for a few days now.  Today, I am so much better.  You see, I had to be separated from my computer so that it could be fixed.  The plug in the computer where the battery charger plugs in, broke loose and lost contact.  Yes, I took it apart but didn't know where to solder it to and figured that maybe an expert should do it.  As it turned out, the whole plug needed replaced and the part had to be ordered.  That is why it took so long, but the separation is now over and I am happily typing this blog and of course had to play some games, too.

I tried using the tablet, but I can't stand to pick and then punch a key on the keyboard, you know, the Columbus method of typing. . find a key and land on it. (BTW, I do like playing Angry Birds on the tablet)  But now I am back on my 17 inch laptop and very happy to be united with it again.  Now, if I only had something interesting to tell you, everything would be perfect.  But, I guess you will have to wait until tomorrow's blog posting to be awed and amazed, or is that bored, wearied, and uninterested?  Either way, you have a great day, you hear?


  1. Well... I missed you. Yes, despite my (very) sketching existence with the internet service here, whether I can comment or not, I, at the very least try to read posts.... so... I had withdrawal symptoms as well. It's funny you should mention "rest from excitement"... we are no longer committed to being at work at 6am... so... what happens... this morning we're awake at 4:30... having breakfast at 5:30... and twirling our thumbs by 6am. Guess it's time to shift gears and adjust to a different life... whether that be computin' or workin'. Glad you're back and the problems were relatively minor.

    1. Old habits are hard to break, but I never have any trouble sleeping in past 08:00 or 09:00 or later. I am more a night person than I am a morning person.

  2. I have a problem with my charger cord - it is trying to come apart just below where it plugs into the computer - I first Scotch taped it, then wrapped some electrical tape. I know a replacement from Apple with set me back.

    1. I have taped up charger cords before, also. Sometimes they then will last longer. Better than just tossing them away.

  3. Glad to have you back. I'm down to writing on a small tablet with a bluetooth keyboard. Might buy a new laptop next month, of the budget allows.

    1. I play Angry Birds and Solitaire on the tablet but use my laptop for all else. Anything that requires typing for sure gets done on the laptop with the full size keyboard.

  4. Bout time! And i know you couldnt help it.

  5. nice to finally have it back again, happy computing.

    1. Yes it is!! This old laptop has had a lot of use. It is on and used most of the day and evening.
