Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Looking Back to Start of Blog.

I spent some time tonight looking back over my very first blogs.  I started blogging back on July 16, 2010 and have been blogging ever since.  I have met a lot of bloggers and have enjoyed blogging, reading blogs, and especially meeting the bloggers in person.  I have told you in previous blogs about those meetings.

That got me a wondering about the ones who do not post any more.  Then my thoughts switched to Billy Bob.  He has been having some medical problems lately and sure hope he gets that all straightened out and back to tip-top shape.  Then I got wondering about his model boat.  Yes, he has still been working on it and upgrading it and motorizing it.  Back when I first met him, he showed me his river boat model.  Here is a picture that I took back then:
In case you want to read that old blog posting, here is a link to it:  

Looking back over the first few months of my blogs was enjoyable and brought back a lot of memories.  All bloggers should do that once in awhile.  I should have done it more often and will do so in the future.  Now, you all have a great evening, you hear?


  1. I've gone back to my very first blog in 2008, and yes it does bring back some good memories. I was a lot younger then.

    1. You have been doing it two years longer than I have. Better late than never, right?

  2. This is an informational comment from blog-geek-girlnet: Make sure you have a backup of the blog someplace. I started out on LIveJournal, and without paying it is now overrun with ads. Also, free on-line websites do sometimes go 'off-line' and without your own personal backup you lose your blog. /informational post from blog-geek-girlnet

    1. I have learned to live with loosing things. At my age I loose a lot of things. A virus just wiped out my laptop and I had to start all over again.

  3. Good suggestion there Dizzy. Over time those blog posts sure do add up.

    1. I have published 1767 posts since I started and it just seems like yesterday when I started to post blogs.
