Thursday, August 13, 2015

Comic Strips and Cartoons.

It always interests me to look back and see what all happened "on this date" in history.  So today I am only going to comment on a comic strip and a cartoon.

I like anything that makes me laugh or smile, so naturally I like comic strips and cartoons.  How many of you have ever read the comic strip "Li'l Abner" by Al Capp?  I would take a guess that we all have seen it and gotten a laugh or a smile out of it.  You know, I was really surprised to discover that it has been around for a long, long time.  It made its debut on this day back in 1934, that was 81 years ago.  I would have never guessed that it started that long ago.

How about cartoons?  Walt Disney's "Bambi" (an animated feature) premiered in Radio City Music Hall in New York on this day in 1942.  Dang, I wasn't born until 1943 so that means that Bambi is older than I am.  Double Dang!!  How the heck did Bambi keep looking so young and I am looking so old???  Life just isn't fair is it?

Now, you all take time to laugh and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I remember always reading Lil' Abner in the comic strips, with Daisy Mae always chasing him, and Mammy Yokum and her pipe! I never did like the Bambi movie. In my opinion, a baby deer losing its mother in a forest fire is not the best subject for a child's movie, and children "back in the day" were a lot more sheltered in what they saw and knew than kids are today.

    1. OH yes, Mammy Yokum and her pipe, Yes I remember her, too.

  2. I believe that these days Daisy Mae would be boycotted by the feminists... right up there with a Barbie Doll..... But I never gave that a thought when I read those comics when I was a kid. (wonder if my brother did?).... Anyway... Al Capp was quite a cartoonists... often inserting political "thoughts" in his stuff... remember "Pogo"?

    1. Oh yes, I remember all of them. My parents stopped after church and picked up the Sunday paper and when we got home I would go through the comics.

  3. i still have to read my Sunday comics or my whole day is shot. Love those old cartoons. Have a great weekend.

    1. Yep, that is the first part (and sometimes the only part) of the Sunday paper that I read.

  4. The ones we loved and laughed at are mostly banned now, too much negative action. But we didnt see it that way. Road runner, Bugs, one of my favs, another Fog Horn, Leg Horn...

    1. Oh yes the rooster, Gog Horn, Leg Horn. Loved him, too.
