Thursday, August 6, 2015

I Don't Know.

I don't know!!  That's right, I don't know a lot of things.  Then there are a lot of things that I did know but have forgotten by now.  Have you ever said, "I don't know"?  Did that make you feel any smarter or any dumber?  Heck, every time I say "I don't know", it makes feel dumber and dumber and dumber and then I have to go to the internet and look up the stuff that I don't know.  Then too, there are lots of times that I don't know and I don't care.  In those cases, I don't bother looking them up.

If not knowing stops you in your tracks and you try to figure it out, remember the Chinese Proverb:

“He who deliberates fully before taking a step will spend his entire life on one leg.” ~Chinese Proverb

Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that anyone dive off into something without giving it any thought as to the consequences.  You don't dive off a high boulder into water unless you know it is deep enough and you will not split open your head on some jagged rocks.  Or the reverse, you jump off this high boulder into a huge deep pool and only remember half way down that you can't swim!!  That is what happens when you get caught up in the moment without thinking and "I don't know" how deep it is can get you into trouble.  The same holds true when jumping into life's dark pool.

Since I don't know everything that I would like to know, I keep exploring new to me things, ideas, and scientific discoveries (especially in astronomy).  We are never too old to learn.  Although at my age many of my brain cells have died off, I will have to work the ones that are left overtime.  That is, if they haven't joined a union yet.  Now, do something to stimulate your brain today and have a great day, you hear?  


  1. I don't mind saying "I don't know" because if I act like I do, I will trip myself up for sure. That would make me feel dumb!

    1. Yep, I guess it is better for you to be smarter than people think you are. Works for me.

  2. Remember, it's mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't' matter.

  3. not much i would have to look up, just because i didnt know

  4. I don't have a problem with I don't know. Just always remember to come back with "But I'll find out". That kept me out of trouble in engineering quite often.

    Also at my age I probably know the answer to more than I remember. What I need is to defrag' my brain and get a better, faster retrieval system.

    Wade in NW Florida

    1. Yep, I did design engineering and worked for myself. If a company had problems that they couldn't solve, they called me. If they had work that their people couldn't get done in a given deadline, I was called. I got all the hard, difficult, and rush jobs, but that is what kept me on my toes. I really did enjoy my working career.

  5. I often have to say that I don't know the answer.... But I always follow it with... But I'll find out. We give lots of tours here and we're always learning new facts (and not so true things) about this place. I don't feel dumb.... I'd feel worse if I told them wrong.

    1. Life is a constant learning experience, if you allow it.
