Friday, August 7, 2015

A Hot Time in the Old Town This Week.

The future is going to be a little on the warm side for awhile around here.  The highs will be triple digits for the foreseeable future.  The air-conditioning units will be working full time at maximum capacity and of course, this may cause some "brown outs" if the electric grid can not handle the heavy demand.

Here is our seven day forecast:

Yep, it is going to be a little on the warm side for at least the next seven days.  It looks like we are having a HEAT WAVE:

Now, you all stay cool and have a great day, you hear?


  1. add a few to that, and thats what we will have. how could i ever have thot we would miss those, this year,,,? lol staying in.

    1. Actually, up here in Cut & Shoot, it will get a couple degrees hotter, it usually does.

  2. I will be out playing golf and riding a bicycle here in North Alabama. he he he

    1. Don't be so happy, I may just send this beautiful blue sky and hot air over your way. I am a nice guy, I believe in sharing. . .

  3. is getting hot for sure!

  4. Here it's been in the low 60s during the day. 50 at night. Might light the woodstove to take the chill and dampness out of the air.

    1. Go ahead and rub it in, but I must remind you that you head south in the winter to avoid all the ice and snow and cold. (grin)

  5. Your forecast looks like what Sacramento's usually is. Fortunately ours is in the 90's this coming week, but it is likely to go back up. Stay cool if you can.

    1. When I lived up north, I had a hard time taking the heat. And I don't mean in the summer only. People kept their homes way too hot in the winter time. They were all surprised when I moved to Texas, but back then, there was not much AC in homes up north but everything was air conditioned down here.

  6. We staying cooler here and enjoying it.

  7. I'm not having any trouble staying cool... it's keeping warm that I struggle with this summer. But then I'm not in Texas anymore.....

    1. Way up there, Nature takes care of the air conditioning in the summer time... and freezes everything in the winter.
