Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Traffic Signals.

Can you imagine driving in a city without any traffic light signals at all?

Did you know that the world's first electric traffic signal was put into place in Cleveland, Ohio on or near this day back in 1914?   Shucks, everything would come to a complete halt when all the vehicles get jammed up in a real mess.  Signs also control  traffic, like "ONE WAY",



 and of course speed limit signs.

  And how could you find your way in unknown places without road numbers or names and signs saying "Exit Here for ???".

Or what road you are on?

As much as we Americans love freedom, there still has to be controls or havoc will ensue.  This holds true especially for traffic on our streets and highways and byways.  Now if you all go on a road trip or even drive down to the corner store, be sure to obey all the road signs, except maybe the "Eat at Joe's" sign, you may get heartburn, but make sure you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Sometimes there is too much printed on a road sign which is difficult to read when driving at 60 mph or above.

    1. Yep, and I am a slow reader, too, which doesn't help.

  2. There was a town in Europe where they did away with all the traffic signs. Wish I could remember the article. Anyway, accidents went down as people drove a lot more cautiously.

    1. That may work except for a few idiots that think they own the roads and that they are their personal race ways and drag strips. I guess it doesn't matter in their are signs or not, the idiots will still do their thing.

    2. The biggest shock to me this summer was how much better drivers, and more considerate they are in New York, than in other states. I'm talking about the Hudson Valley as I'm sure the entire state has bad drivers here and there, but I found them to be very good. California is about the worst!

    3. It does see that some areas have better drivers than others. Usually country drivers are better than city drivers. OK, now I am in trouble with all the city folk.

  3. Now if we can just get people to obey these traffic signs. WI has started putting in "roundabouts" which in my opinion are an accident waiting to happen. No one here can ever figure out who has the right of way when driving thru them.

    1. If I got on a roundabout, they would probably have to shoot me to get me off of it (grin).

  4. You can Google "Ashville, Ohio Traffic Light" and see an really unusual one. I see that it's now in a museum but can remember driving through there when it was still in operation.

    1. Wow!! It looks like an alien space ship. That light should be in Roswell.

  5. signs signs everywhere signs,,,,,

    1. If it ain't traffic signs, its advertisement signs. Getting to where you can't see the scenery anymore or take a picture without getting a sign in it.
