Sunday, July 12, 2015

Lost all my work.

Don't you love it when a plan comes together?  Well, the opposite happened to me.  I worked for hours getting stuff off the internet and writing and pasting it into Microsoft Word.  Got everything I wanted for a great and interesting (in my opinion) post today and then my battery died without any warning.  I lost everything and I am not going to try and find all that stuff again.  Maybe tomorrow and maybe never.  So, I am sorry for not posting an interesting blog today.  Anyway, I still want you all to have a great day


  1. So disappointing and irritating for you. Not that this helps any but you are not alone. Many of us have "been there, done that."

    1. I should have been saving it every so often, but NOOOO, I didn't.

  2. What does "everything" mean? AND, "maybe never"? Thot i had lost everything when my old laptop was attacked, but WOW, it showed up on the new one! All but my documents.

    1. Anything that hasn't been saved to the hard-drive will not be saved for future viewing and editing after the computer is turned off. "Everything" means I had quite a few things off the internet that I pasted to a Word file. The computer shut down from a dead battery before I "saved" the Word files to the hard drive.

    2. So it was more than one blog? Gotcha

  3. Replies
    1. From now on I will save my work every so many minutes.

    2. I think gremlins are at work messing with people's computers. Yours is one of several similar stories I've heard in the past couple of days.

    3. I think I was the gremlin this time, but maybe the Devil made me do it (grin).

  4. Hopefully lesson learned, save, save, save,,,

    1. I know better but after a long time without a blip, I got complacent.

  5. I hate when that happens. After it doing that to me way toooooo many times I have learned - in my old age - to Save things frequently. I really do feel your pain.

  6. What a bummer! I used to work in a place where the electricity could be erratic... going off for a few seconds every now and then. And I STILL didn't learn to save often enough. Oh well... now you have something to do in your spare time ;-)

    1. I went back yesterday and tried to find some of those internet sites with no luck. Oh well, live and learn.

  7. I think most of us have had that happen from time to time. I sure don't like it, but I learned the hard way to save my stuff.

  8. Yes, I know better but got lazy.
