Saturday, July 11, 2015

Backyard Wild Flowers

A few days ago I took this first picture of some wildflowers in my backyard.  I had trouble because the automatic focus on the camera kept wanting to focus on the leaves, but you can still see the what they look like:

Then today, I went back out in the back yard and there were a couple of new volunteers, so I got my camera and took a couple of pictures of them.  Yes, they are the same kind of flowers:

This time the camera focused on the flower and it showed the different colored flowers.  Pink in the center, circled by white flowers with yellow centers, and surrounded by bluish purple blooms with red centers.  Now there should be something there to please everybody.

This last picture is of two other blooms on a different plant in the same area in the fenced in back yard.  I think that they are quite beautiful and just love the beauty that Mother Nature gives us for free.  All we have to do is look and appreciate it.

There name is Lantana Camara or Lantana for short.  These grow all over my place and do help to brighten it up some.  Yes, I know I have posted about them before, but these are fresh, new pictures of them and this time they were in the dogs' yard along the fence.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. My wife likes Lantana, but it won't make it through the winter, have to plant a new one each spring. But they survive the heat and lack of rain better than the weeds around here. Tough little plant, as long as it's above 32 degrees.

    1. They just grow wild around here. I think they are beautiful.

  2. The lantana are beautiful. That's a lot of different colors on one flower!

    1. There isn't too many flowers that can compete with it, especially other wildflowers.

  3. Butterflies love lantana! (so do I).... what a beautiful flower!

    1. I like them and am glad they grow wild on my place.

  4. So do hummingbirds, OE. I have both the pink and the orange. Put some yellow on the back side of my house too.

    1. These are growing wild. I have never planted any of them.
