Friday, July 10, 2015

Big Traffic Backup.

 Took a ride around today so that my wife could stop at a few yard sales.  On the way back home, we came up to the red light on the main highway and when it turned green we were about to make a left hand turn and head home.  A highway patrolman stopped us and then a few work trucks with sky buckets on them rushed in.  The operators in the buckets guided the hook on the bottom of the bucket to the line that crossed the road and began raising it.  Then big rigs pulling large extra long trailers with multiple wheels came into view.  They were loaded with large, rectangular units and were heading west on TX state highway 105.  I have no idea where they are going but they seem to move a lot of large things through this area:

Here is a little better picture; I zoomed in some and took another picture:

There was a convoy of them.  I guess it is the best idea to move them in a group so not to disturb the traffic and traffic lights too often.  Here they are lined up waiting to get under the lights and the electric lines:

 Did you notice the garage sale signs in the above picture?

Not only did they have a truck (tractor) pulling them they also had one pushing them:

Well, that was the excitement for today, along with the yard sales.  She shops and I talk to whoever is running it.  That way we both get to do what we like to do best;  shopping for her and talking for me.  Not a bad way to spend a Friday morning.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Being the nosy.... Strike that.... Curious person that I am, I always want to know what's going on... What's the cargo... Where is it going.... Dog gone it Dizzy, you didn't do your job this time ;-)

    1. I have no idea what they are or where they are going. I'm sorry, I will try better tomorrow.

  2. It's a good thing there were yard sales to keep you from sitting in traffic getting bored!

    1. We had been to them and was on our way home. It didn't take long to get on our way, since we were going the opposite way of the back up.

  3. That's the Jade-Helm project that people think is going to take over Texas!

    1. It sure could be, it was heading west where all that is suppose to happen. . .

  4. You should have seen the fun they had getting huge windfarm windmills through our narrow mountain roads.

    1. I can imagine. One time when I was in PA, they were trying to get them around some of those curves. It seems the ones they use up your way have longer blades than the ones in west Texas.
