Monday, July 13, 2015

Wondering About Garbage Pail Kids

Have you ever seen those trading cards featuring the Garbage Pail Kids?  We used to have some of them and they sure were gross.  I found a few on the internet to refresh your memory and maybe give you a giggle or two.

This first one reminds me of how I feel when I get a little cut on my finger. . . heck yes it hurts!!

How do you feel about hypodermic needles and shots and vaccinations, etc.?

You know, I have had a couple of doctors that I think actually tried to do this to me!!

Then there is this really, really gross gal called HEDDA:

You know, when all else fails, there is always Hole In Juan:
 I may never eat a decorated cake again!!  I wonder how hard that guy had to squeeze that baby to be able to do the whole cake:
 Last but not least;  Ever wonder what became of that girl from high school with the hairy arm pits?  Well, here is your answer:

Now that I have grossed you out and made you a little queasy in the stomach, I still want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Yuk, don't remember them, maybe I blocked them out, but I'm surprised they didn't get their own primetime TV show. Maybe they called it Real Housewives of wherever.

    1. My wife had purchased a few of them back a few years ago. You know, old geezers like me when they say a few years, could be a couple or seventy. . .

  2. I've never even heard of these before.... they do look a bit like the Cabbage Patch dolls that were popular when my daughter was young... do you think they're a take-off of those? Garbage Pail/Cabbage Patch... sounds a lot alike.

    1. Yes, I believe they were take-off of the Cabbage Patch kids. I wonder if Mad Magazine had anything to do with them. That magazine had satire on almost everything.

  3. Good job of grossing us out. I really don't remember those cards. I remember Cabbage Patch Dolls from when my son was young, but not Garbage Pail Kids.

    1. They came as packs of cards and I suppose they were meant for trading with other card owners.

  4. Glad i didnt ever see them! And glad i already ate

    1. I guess they are a little on the gross side.
