Monday, June 1, 2015

Wondering About Limnic Eruptions.

Have you ever heard of limnic eruptions?  I never have, that is, not until today when I accidently had a page pop up about it.  I have heard of lake turn-overs but have never witnessed any.  This is what a lake looks like after a limnic eruption or lake overturn:
This next picture shows an overturn in progress:

This last picture shows a before and after a limnic eruption:

 If my ponds turn over, I have not noticed.  Sometimes there is a lot of aquatic plant remains floating on top, and of course there has been times when it gets partially covered with duck weed.  OK, maybe I am the only one that never heard of limnic eruptions, but I did learn something in researching for this blog.  Now, you all turn over and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Looks like those flood waters ran through a kool-aid factory. With all the rain you've had you'll have mosquitoes as big as shetland ponies. We've got Asian tiger skitters here, growl when they bite.

    1. I am afraid to go outside. They might carry me off and suck all the blood out of me. Maybe that will cure my leukemia (grin).

  2. I've never heard of this. I reckon it's a temporary thing, right? I'd hate for it to be permanent.

    Thanks for the info!

    1. I, too, have never heard of it and I don't think it is permanent. I have no idea how long it can last.
