Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Getting Tired of Hearing About Bruce Jenner.

I sure am getting tired of hearing about Bruce Jenner's change from a man to a woman.  He and the news media are making a big thing about it and I think it is sickening and unnatural.  But then, I found out that it does occur in nature.  Here is one example:

"The striped mittenfish, a deepwater species recently discovered in the Java Sea, can change its sex at will by turning its entire body inside out"

I believe that this is a myth, because I have found no other place that tells about it.  So no, I don't think there is such a thing, but if there were, it would have a nickname of Bruce and Mr., or is it Ms., Jenner would keep one as a pet.
OK, I have nothing more to say on this subject.  Now, you all try and have a great day, you hear?


  1. The only news I see is Google headlines, and I can determine if I want to follow a story by clicking on it. I had, and still have no idea who Bruce Jenner is, except that one of the headlines mentioned he was an (Olympic?) athlete. I still don't know anything about him, but it certainly isn't anything to me what he does.

    1. He was an Olympic athlete who married into the Kardashian family and he just recently had a sex change operation to turn him into a women.

  2. Oh my goodness, I was thinking about how the media loves to grab hold of a story on famous people and how I hate hearing about the Kardashians (I don't know who they are either, and I don't want to know). I think it keeps reporters & the media from having to report the serious stuff we need to hear, such as about our crooked politicians, big corporations spending huge amounts of money to cover up what they are doing, and the like.

    1. I agree with you in that we don't know what all goes on with our elected elite.

  3. Ain't nuthin' like it used to be . . . "used to be" wasn't perfect either but I can remember family and friends having time for each other in small farm communities. I felt safe to walk to a friend's house in the dark and we never locked our doors. Children played games outside until called in for dinner. You could smell what people were eating because their windows were open.

    Old people used to sit on their porches and wave at neighbors who were out walking. Sometimes a neighbor would stop and talk a while. People used to laugh and smile. We used to have good slow food served up on the table in a country kitchen.

    1. Oh yes, I do remember all of those things. Growing up in the '50s was really great!!

  4. Like you, I'm tired of hearing about this person. Hell, my oldest son is doing the same thing and I don't talk about him much either!

    Strange times, my fr4iend!

  5. It's a mystery to me that a Decathalon (10 event) Olympic gold winning athlete would choose to become a woman. And the Kardashian family is famous for nothing except living absurd lifestyles on inherited money from a lawyer father no one heard of when he was alive.
    Bring back the old days ..., please!

    1. Yes we alll did. On OJs defense.

    2. Baby Sis, too much time, too much money, and too much desire to stand out in a crowd.

      You know, Trouble, I forgot about that.

  6. Since I don't care about sports, haven't had a TV in nearly 40 years, and seldom read a newspaper these days, I don't know much about any of these people. BUT... I do know that a Fourwing Salt Bush can change its "sex" depending on the needs that season. A lot more interesting to me than having surgery ;-)

  7. Same thing we're alll saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Those old days are gone forever, and they aren't building neighborhoods to be walked in anymore.

    1. I am glad I grew up when I did. Those were good times for me, back in the '50's.

  9. We tossed our TV too. It is a great thief of time and I want to enjoy the day. We took up gardening instead. There is a lot of information overload out there and I don't know who to believe. People can be sincerely wrong. I would rather go pick beans instead.

    1. Gardening is good. My wife put in a vegetable garden this year and it is doing great.
