Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Let's Go For A Walk

 I like to go for walks and walking is good for you.  How about all you readers out there, do you like to go for walks?  The two kids in the picture below seem to be enjoying their walk.  Yes, walking can be fun, interesting, good exercise, and lets us see things we wouldn't see just sitting at home.  Also, some places are a lot easier to walk than others.  Barney, of the Old Fat Man Adventures does a lot of walking and, thus sees things that most of us have not and never will see.  Of course sometimes he cheats and rides his bicycle (grin).

How many of you remember Ed White?  Does that name ring any bells?  Well he took a walk that went down in history on this day back in 1965, being the first American astronaut to take a space walk.  He was having so much fun he didn't want to quit and return to the capsule.  Here is a clipping from a newspaper:

At that time in space history, the astronauts were attached to the space capsule by a gold plated umbilical cord.
Those first years of men in space were exciting, and dangerous, too.  In fact, Ed White died in a fire/explosion while training right here on earth.  I think I will do all my walking on terra firma, how about you?  Now, you all have a great day, you hear? 


  1. I have enough trouble keeping my feet on the ground..... Sure wouldn't do well in space.

    1. Humans were not designed to spend time in space. We need gravity to keep healthy. Although sometimes I feel like gravity is pulling me a lot harder these days.

  2. I used to love to walk, but now I need foot surgery and I'd rather not trust anyone in this area. As it is, walking down here is very risky. I'll never get used to the feeling that I'm walking on an air mattress, for that's what these yards are like, with nothing but sand beneath the crab grass sod we have to buy.

    1. My favorite walks are either to the dinner table or the refrigerator for ice-cream. .(grin).

  3. I love to walk, although lately I'm mostly walking on a treadmill. As long as I'm moving it's okay!

    1. It is important for an old guy like me to keep moving. In fact, it is good for everyone, no matter what their age.

  4. The dog insists I take her for walks -no space walks though.

    I guess people with dogs live longer because we can't spend all day on the couch. The dog needs exercise and I go along for the walk.

    1. Of course we take the easy way by having a small, fenced in (dogs' yard) area for our dogs that adjoins the screened in back porch. They only go out there unattended but hurry back in to the A.C.

  5. The older I get the more I have to "cheat" on the walking.

    1. But there are times and places where walking is the easiest way to go.

  6. Well I try to walk a brisk 20 minute walk around Broken Bolt Ranch each day. My hips still bother me but I do it.

    I would like to walk on the moon and Mars. Both much less gravity than earth. I think they would be great for site seeing.

    Wade in NW Florida

    1. You are doing what I should be doing. You know, I don't believe either you nor I will set foot on any celestial bodies.

  7. I should walk more than I do. I don't have a good excuse, however! I'm just lazy!

    1. I fit into that category, too. So, don't feel alone.

  8. Can't walk now, hip and leg too painful. Sure wish i could before i completely lose the muscles.

    1. Can you lay on your back and put your legs up in the air and pretend you are peddling a bike? That would use some of the muscles in your legs. You could even strap on some weight for additional exercise.
