Thursday, June 4, 2015

Never Expected This.

I saw something this morning that I never would have expected.  Although we have not seen any hummingbirds for quite awhile, we still put out the hummingbird feeder.  I just happened to walk by the window and I looked out to see a Green Anole drinking the sweet red nectar out of the feeder.  He was hanging upside down and really going at it.

Of course I rushed to get my camera but by the time I got back (only a few seconds) it was climbing backwards up the feeder, turned around, and climbed up on the top of the feeder and then crawled over the feeder support, down the porch roof post, and across the railing to attend to other business or to sleep off the sugary lunch.  And here I thought that they ate insects only.  I guess even a Green Anole can have a sweet tooth.

Since I didn't get the pictures that I wanted, I did the next best thing.  I found some on the Internet and just in case you don't know what a Green Anole is, I will post a couple of them here:


Maybe I can get a picture of them later, or not.  Either way, I want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. We have humming birds all the time and humming bird feeders. Lots of flowers that they like.

    However, we are in the land beyond lizards. Not too many snakes either.

    1. But I bet on your trips to Florida and Texas you see enough of them.

  2. No lizards here and just put the humming bird feeder up yesterday in an hour had one or 2 visit already, will keep a watch out for more

    1. We have those little birds most of the year. More of them in Spring and Fall when they are migrating through this area of East Texas.

  3. What a sight that must have been - the lizard hanging upside down from the feeder.

    1. They are quite acrobatic and it is surprising what they can do just to get something to eat. But I never would have thought that they would go for sweets.

  4. I used to put out the hummingbird feeder at our house in the country. the danged raccoons would come up and chew off the plastic flowers and suck down the juice! LOL They had a sweet tooth too!

    KarenInTheWoods​ and Steveio​
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. We kept the raccoons and the squirrels of our main bird feeder by greasing the pole. At first it was really funny to watch the squirrels, but they gave up. Don't have to grease it anymore.

  5. Ha Dizzy, did I ever tell ya bout the time....over in Deming, I had me a pet praying mantis what took up residence on "da porch". On a daily basis, you could find him crawl'n round on the hummer feeders. Guess what he was do'n up there? Attempting to catch him a "hummingbird under glass" supper. As far as I know, he never did, but it was comical to watch him try. I hand fed him dead flys.

    1. Dang, a hummingbird may be to much for a praying mantis. Maybe it is a good thing it didn't get a hold of one, of course it would have been fun to watch. You fed a mantis, did it ever get a hold of your finger?

    2. Had one on my porch too, and caught him eating a red wasp one time,,, fasinating. holding it in his hands, taking bites like we do..

  6. That is just so cool! I have lots of the lizards around my house, but the cats get many of them!

    Never seen thew lizards go after the sweet stuff, though.

    1. I have had that humming bird feeder up for a lot of years and this was the first time I saw that. BTW, that lizard stayed on it for quite awhile. Do you think that he "staggered" off?

  7. I don't know what all we have here... salamanders and newts.... toads and frogs... a few non-poisonous snakes... but so far none of those have come to the feeders. Last night we had a couple of raccoons... I take down the seed feeders but have been leaving the hummingbird feeders up... I know... I'm pressing my luck. I hope your guy comes back and you get a picture!

    1. It is amazing what some wildlife will do for a sweet treat.
