Friday, June 5, 2015

Things That Glitter May Be Gold.

Yes, things that glitter just may be gold.  Have any of you ever gone prospecting?  I have a couple of times and I just loved it.  It is an excuse to spend time out in nature and who knows, you may just find some of that elusive shiny soft metal.
 I not only have a couple of gold pans (colored green so the gold is easier to see) but I also have a metal detector.  I have not been too good at finding gold on my own, so that is why a long time ago I joined the G.P.A.A. (Gold Prospectors of America Association).  I only went to two of their "outings" where we all participated in the common dig and on our "free time" we could do our own prospecting.

Here is a picture of the gold that we found and later divided up on one of the outings:
And enlarged some:

OK, that is ancient history and so is the following.
Did you know the Executive Order issued on April 5th, 1933 stated that all Americans were to turn over all gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates to a Federal reserve Bank, branch or agency, or to any member of the Federal Reserve System?  Here, I will paste the order so you can read what ever part of it you want to.  (Click to enlarge it if you want to read the fine print.)
Of course I am not old enough to remember this.  I was born ten years after that order.  Now all you readers are gold to me and I want you to have a golden day, you hear?


  1. Nice looking pan of good there Dizzy. There is gold in NH. It's all over, but not in any sort of concentration. I've picked up a few flakes in a pan myself. I have got to get myself a new pan one of these days.

    1. Too bad all that gold in that pan wasn't mine. It got divided up between a whole lot of people.

  2. Would love to do that, just never have. And, there's gold here too, was a gold rush in the 1800s. And west of town, a gold mine opened up about 20 years ago. Not sure it's still there.

    1. Give it a try Trouble, I am sure you will like it, have a lot of fun, and maybe get rich.

  3. Treasure hunting, prospecting, and the like has always seemed like a fun way to spend a vacation to me! Of course, all us ol' retired folks don't have to take vacations, right?

    1. Yes we do. . . we need to get away once in awhile from the daily chore of sitting around having too much fun. . . (grin).
