Sunday, May 31, 2015

Message On a T-Shirt

I didn't get to go to the flea market yesterday but we did make our rounds today.  Got caught up with what the vendors are doing and what they have to say, if anything.  I go there to talk to everyone that I can.  Yep, I like to talk.

I spotted one vendor's T-shirt and told him that I liked what it said.  I had my camera with me and I should have taken a picture to help my memory, but of course I didn't.  To the best of my recollection, this is what it said:

"I lived under Ronald Reagan, Bob Hope,
and Johnny Cash.  Now I live under Obama
and there is no cash and no hope."
My wife got some garden gnomes and she is planning on painting them with outdoor paint to brighten them back up.  I am wondering where she is going to put them?  Whatever she does, I am sure they will be in a place that will brighten up the area.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. When she gets those gnomes painted and they've found their spot in the garden be sure to take a picture then to show all of us.

    1. I took a couple of pictures of them today for a "before" view and will post them tomorrow. When she is done, I will post the "after" views.

  2. A friend snuck a little garden gnome home along the trail to my beach and didn't tell anyone. It's snuggled up against the cedars. Kids are always happy to discover it.

    1. I bet they do get a kick out of seeing. That was nice of your friend.

  3. Best t-shirt I have seen recently was on a guy walking with his wife and kids-it said on the front and back; "ask your mother"

    1. I can understand that. That is favorite thing that dads say to their kids in reply to questions.

    2. They like making MOM the bad guy. A man used to tell my young son, he would take him to do something, then say ask your mom. Well i caught on, told my son he could,,hahahaha, you should have heard how he backed out, but he quit doing it.

    3. You turned the tables on that guy, now he is the "bad guy" unless he does what he says he would do. And yes, I love that t-shirt, too.

  4. Love wandering Flea markets looking for stuff we don't need too.

    1. That is usually our weekend outings. We are lucky enough to live close to a very big flea market. It has 80 inside booths and over 400 outside tables, all under a roof. Here is a link to their webpage:

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