Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mobile Vet.

Sorry I am again late posting.  Had to help a friend and after I got home, I trimmed some limbs that were rubbing on the roof of my RV.  It is still really wet here, but the rain held off till late afternoon, but will probably rain tonight and tomorrow.

The day before yesterday, the Mobile Vet was in our area and they set up operations in a vacant area next to the feed store.  The last time that we went to see them we left the dogs at home.  Why?  Well, because all we needed was three month's supply of heartworm pills for them but this time they needed their shots.  Thank goodness it was cloudy, standing outside in line in the afternoon in Texas is not usually highly recommended because of the heat, but with the clouds and a gentle breeze, it wasn't bad at all.  There were long lines of people with dogs.  We went early and got a good spot in line but had to wait until the vets and their helpers got all set up.  Once that happens, the line moves fairly fast.

The first stop is at the table where they look up your pup's history, if you were there before.  Then we asked for another three month's supply of heartworm pills and paid for the pills and the examination/shots.  It didn't take long until the dogs got to see a vet and get their shots.  Back in the Jeep and headed home.  Didn't take long at all and it was just up the road a little ways from where we live.  Of course, the pups were real glad to get back home and into the AC.  Spoiled dogs?  That is for sure, even have their own chef, my wife who cooks special for them.  They eat very nutritious and tasty home cooked meals every day.  No, they aren't spoiled, the are just "special".  Now, you all have a great day, you hear? 


  1. Funny, just yesterday I mentioned how much I miss the mobile vet truck back when I was a teenager. I would like to vaccinate Pedrito (the stray) but there is no way I am going to take him in my car as I have no idea how he would react.

    Home cooking for your pups...they are pampered alright!

    1. Yes they are pampered, not only home cooking, but they also have a hair dresser (groomer), but they are nice enough to let my wife and I live in their home.

  2. I'd never heard of such a thing until last summer when I saw a Mobile Vet parked in Limestone. When we had the farm, our vet would come out once a year and test all the goats (we had a Grade B dairy), give them all the shots they needed... and we'd line up all the cats for their shots while he was there. Guess in a way Pete was a mobile vet, huh?

    1. I thought that vets go to farms, not only to inoculate the animals but to help in birthing and when any animal got sick. It is easier for the vet to go to the farm than for the cow to go to the vet (grin).

  3. Fleas are bad this year, having trouble finding the right protection for Jude. The ones i've used before, makes them go near his tail on his back, and he chews and pulls hair out,,,so i've been putting it on there, too. Got a different one and it seems to work good. Hate to pay 40.00 bucks for one that won't work any better.

    1. Haven't had any trouble so far this year with fleas, but am sure we will. Our dogs have been taking an oral flea medication.

  4. Glad the "kids" got all fixed up for another year! Sometimes it's hard to keep up witrh all that stuff, ya know?

    1. Yep, sometimes I think they are as bad or worse than kids.
