Thursday, June 11, 2015

Things To Brighten Your Smile

There are a lot of things that can brighten your smile.  For me, seeing those I love (either two legged or four legged) would have to be on the top of my list.  Yes, there are lots of other thing things that put a smile on my lips; a good joke, a funny situation (and yes, I laugh at myself a lot), antics of animals, and life in general.  Yes, I do see humor in almost every aspect of life.  Let's face it, it is a lot better to smile and laugh than to frown and cry.

Oh yes, I cry.  I cry for the loss of a loved one and at very sad movies.  I don't believe that it makes me any less of a man.  Then there are times when I am laughing at something that every one else is crying about.  I have found out that if you look hard enough, you can find humor in anything.  It also helps to have a sick sense of humor and a good imagination, which I have been accused of a few times in the past.

There are other things to brighten your smile, like lipstick and toothpaste.  Now dang it!!  Don't even think that I use lipstick.  The only lipstick I have ever used was ChapStick.  That product was useful way back when I lived up north in the cold, dry winter air and also anytime of year in the western deserts.  Now, I want all of you to keep a great big smile on your faces and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Humour aka humor, goes a long ways. I rather revel in the little ironies of life.

    Yep, ChapStick, especially the ruby red colour aka color :)

    Y'all have a nice, smiley day, you hear?


    1. I always try to have a smiley day and yes, a little humor goes a long way.

  2. Nice post..... brings a smile to my face... not a laughing one, but a happy one...

  3. Your post made me smile as I thought of all the things that make me happy. Good post.

    1. The bad and sad things will always find us, but if we work at it, we can see the happy side of most anything. Sure glad you are smiling.

  4. I've been laughing til tears, watching that little ballerina doing her own thing to Aretha Franklin. Got the whole thing now on fb. I'm like you, rather laugh than frown. Or cry. lol

    1. I spent a lot of time on FB yesterday. There are a lot interesting things on it.
