Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?

"Button, button, who's got the button?"  Remember that old children's game?  I do, but I am really old.  That was a game back when kids had to come up with ways to entertain themselves.  They didn't have TV, store bought games, the Internet, but somehow we always seemed to have a good time.  And guess what, we even went outside and played!!  Yep, when I was a kid, I spent a lot of time in the woods.  Always loved nature and would spend most of my days, summer and winter, in the woods.

OK, I am getting off the subject I want to write about, buttons.  My wife likes buttons and has a lot of them, but now she decided to make some of her own.  She went to Michaels and Hobby Lobby and found the right clay, formed some buttons, and baked them in the oven.  I decided to take a couple of pictures of them to put on this blog.  Here is the first picture that I took:

Then I just turned them around and took another picture:

Don't forget, you can pick on the pictures to enlarge them.  I think she did a great job.  Not only are they different colors, they also have different shapes and are different sizes.  I kind of like the square camo ones.  Now go find some friends and a button so you can play button, button, who's got the button and have a great day, you hear?


  1. You made me think of that old song "Buttons and Bows"... now THAT ages me, doesn't it? Your wife's creations are so nice!

    1. I was four years old when Dinah Shore first recorded that song, so I am no "spring chicken". It has been recorded by many artists including Connie Frances.

  2. Hi Dizzy, I post on Coffee with the Hermit and decided to check out your Blog. I love your wife's new buttons. That is a clever idea, to make your own.

    1. Hi Linda, yes I have seen your posts on Hermit's blog. My wife likes to be making something all the time.

  3. She did a good job on those, Dizzy. Guess now she will have to knit some new sweaters to put those buttons on, huh?
    I remember the "Button, button ..." game. Just don't exactly remember how to play. After giving the button to someone seated in the circle, did you then have to run around and take his place before he could "tag" you? Guess that's something to google, huh?

    1. I doubt if any of todays kids have ever heard of that game.

  4. Never knew you could do that,,,now what's gonna happen to them,,,lol.
    We had a creek by our house we stayed on all the time. Kept it clean, lol.

    1. I don't know, maybe she will make something to put them on and again, maybe not. The fun for her was in making them.

    2. Google "things to do with buttons". There are some really neat crafts that use buttons. This one is pretty:

    3. The sky is not even the limit to what the human mind can come up with what to do with buttons.
