Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Just some dumb trivia for today.

Have any of you ever heard of "DNA level C"?  Oh come on now, I am sure all of you have heard of it.  OK, you don't think so?  Then just read it backwards, it spells a town in Ohio and Texas and maybe some more I don't know about.  Hey, like I said in the title, it may be a little on the dumb side.

Do any of you know where Winston Churchill was born?  No, I don't mean what country or town.  Give up?  He was born in a ladies room during a dance.  At least that is what I found when searching stuff for this blog posting.

OK, are you batting a thousand?  Then maybe you can try this one; How fast does a normal raindrop fall?  I would never have guessed it was this slow.  They only fall at seven miles per hour.  I guess that is when the wind is not blowing.  Heck, I have been hit in the face with some raindrops that I figured left welts.

What kind of person is a "quidnunc"?  Well, he or she is a person who is eager to know the latest news and gossip.  (I guess that could also define us bloggers.)

Now I will leave you with this last one about a fellow named Arnold Schonberg who suffered from trikaidecphobia which is the fear of the number 13.  Would you believe that he died 13 minutes from midnight on Friday the 13th.

OK, what are your fears or do you have some trivia that we should hear?  My greatest fear is losing any of my loved ones, two legged and four legged.


  1. You did a good job of coming up with some of the most worthless stuff I have ever heard. The bad part is I enjoyed reading it all!

    1. A worthless guy like me can sure dig up worthless stuff, but I like worthless trivia now and then.

  2. I figured out Cleveland, but none of the other ones.

    I may have a few fears, but certainly not of the number 13. Thirteen is my lucky number.

    1. 13 never bothered me, either. My Grandma always got upset if a bird tried to get in the house or peck on the window. She said that was a sign someone was going to die. Probably the bird if it kept piking on that window (grin).

  3. Replies
    1. What?? You mean it didn't enlighten you? (grin)

  4. I love this stuff. Didn't know any of them. :)

    1. I like it, too. I have had a post before about trivia and will have one again, but will wait awhile.

  5. I didn't know pregnant women were allowed to be in public, let alone at a dance, when Churchill was born.... what a hoot!

    1. She was probably hiding her pregnancy. Then again, I found that info on the internet and have no proof that it is true.

  6. Pretty good, Dizzy! Pretty good!

  7. Enjoyed the post, Dizzy. My fears - disappointing my mama, and outliving my kids, I guess. Certainly not the number 13 - I have better things to worry about, like why did I put this empty plastic bag in the fridge?

    1. I am sure I have disappointed my mama a few times and I have already outlived my oldest son.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
