Friday, June 12, 2015

Everyone Wants a Good Set of Teeth

Nothing brightens a smile than a great set of teeth.  Those pearly whites do make a smile sparkle and it sure does help when those teeth are straight, in line, and supported by nice pink gums.  Don't you agree?  You know, something like this:

Ok, I confess.  Those teeth are not in any human's mouth.  So, what kind of creature has such nice teeth.  Well, it isn't a person, nor an animal.  It isn't any warm blooded creature, it is a fish.  A Sheepshead:
Words just can not explain exactly what these teeth look like so I will shut up stop writing and let you just look at the pictures below:

Now, the next time you chow down on a big fish dinner, you can think about this fish's teeth and. . . and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I believe that fish could eat an ear of corn through a picket fence, no trouble.

    1. OK, now you went and got me laughing. Hey, I have known a few people who could eat through a picket fence, and you know, this fish sort of looks like them (grin). Just kidding.

  2. Looks like something a "dentist in training" could practice on before working on a human mouth. Weird!

    1. LOL, yes, a dentist in training sure could practice on one of those. Better a fish than me.

  3. Good set of choppers, right? They sure can eat through some bait as well!

    1. They may be hard to hook, unless you hook one in the lips.
