Monday, June 15, 2015

Pictures For "TROUBLEnTX"

Yesterday in the comments to my blog posting, TROUBLEnTX  asked to see some pictures of our swamp.  So, today I walked down and took a few pictures to post here for Ms. Trouble.  We are expecting a lot of rain in the next few days in our area.  In fact, some weathermen are predicting we could get up to ten inches of rain, but I would think that would be in locations closest to the coast.  But I am sure we will get our share and then some.  So, the pictures I took today and posted below will be the "before" the rain pictures and after the rains are over, I will take more pictures from the same spots and they will be the "after" the rain pictures.

Here are the before pictures:

And this last one is an enlargement of the one above to make sure you saw that there was some water in the low laying land below the dam.
There you go, Trouble.  Hope you enjoyed them.  Now, I will just sit back and wait for all the rain and I hope you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Dam? What dam? and TYTYTY for the pics. Have any bull frogs? And yes, love the legs.

    1. There is an earthen dam there but it has been there for so long that trees are growing on it.

  2. Nice photos! But... do they breed skeeters? (I scratch and itch constantly here from the little devils)

    1. They sure do this year since we are soaken wet and there are lots of places for them to breed. Also, the fish population never came back after that dry year when it completely dried up.

    2. We live about a half mile from the Red River in OK. Okie mosquitoes are fierce. Several years ago a friend gave me a recipe for a repellant that works for mosquitoes, gnats and others. Put a tablespoon vanilla in 8 oz. water in a spray bottle. Spray again in an hour or when they start bothering you again. It works for us and you smell good too!

  3. Swamps. Mosquitoes. Cottonmouths. Did I mention mosquitoes? AND NO FISH. dammit. I miss my Ohio River. I could not care less about oceans.

  4. Swamps. Mosquitoes. Cottonmouths. Did I mention mosquitoes? AND NO FISH. dammit. I miss my Ohio River. I could not care less about oceans.

  5. When I was growing up, I spent a lot of time in, on, or under the Allegheny River. So, some of me must have washed down to the Ohio and that hair that washed up on your arm was mine. . .

  6. I love rivers but not the oceans so much. Nice to get a quick look at, and then get me back to the forested mountains and rivers.

    1. I grew up being surrounded by mountains, rivers, and lots of forests. Both sets of my Grandparents lived along the river.
